the choice 2000
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the diary of the undecided voter: william baker
photo of william baker

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·Voting for Gore (11.7.2000)

·Down the Stretch: Settling on Gore Almost Certainly (10.31.2000)

·After The Final Debate: Gore's Strength Tips Balance Farther In His Direction (10.18.2000)

·After the Second Debate: Holding Steady (but only Slightly) for Gore (10.13.2000)

·After the First Debate: Tipping Ever so Slightly Toward Gore (10.5.2000)

·Introduction (10.2.2000)

Bill is 79 years old and is a semi-retired episcopal priest. He is married with five children and nine grandchildren.

voting history
In 1992 he voted for George Bush and in 1996 he voted for Bill Clinton.

key concerns
abortion, estate tax, education

key concerns
In mid life he changed vocations from custom tailoring to the episcopal priesthood.

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"After The Final Debate: Gore's Strength Tips Balance Farther In His Direction"
October 18, 2000

The death of Gov. Mel Carnahan cast a sobering pall over the debate last night and I do hope those who were planning to vote for him will still cast a vote for him...

This debate was a bit more confrontational and Gore appeared more at ease than Bush This debate was a bit more confrontational and Gore appeared more at ease than Bush. Gore talked about his proposals and presented his policies and outlined them more clearly than Bush did. Gore appeared more the aggressor this time out. Bush's promise of bringing Democrats and Republicans together to back his policies might have worked in the state of Texas but I have my doubts about it working in the U.S. House and Senate--a very BIG "IF".

I was surprised that Bush was not asked about his stance as to women's rights, a question that he danced around in an earlier debate. I continue to feel ill at ease about this issue if Bush is elected. It will be interesting to hear and read where the "experts" are.

On the 1-5 scale I am a 2 for GORE.

previous dispatches
·Voting for Gore (11.7.2000)
·Down the Stretch: Settling on Gore Almost Certainly (10.31.2000)
·After The Final Debate: Gore's Strength Tips Balance Farther In His Direction (10.18.2000)
·After the Second Debate: Holding Steady (but only Slightly) for Gore (10.13.2000)
·After the First Debate: Tipping Ever so Slightly Toward Gore (10.5.2000)
·Introduction (10.2.2000)

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