the long march of newt gingrich



Dick Williams, Newt! Leader of the Second American Revolution (Georgia: Longstreet Press, Inc., 1995).

Judith Warner & Max Berley, Newt Gingrich: Speaker to America (A Signet Book, 1995) 235 pages.

John M. Barry, The Ambition and the Power: The Fall of Jim Wright (New York: Viking Press, 1989).

David S. Broder, The Changing of the Guard: Power and Leadership in America (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1980). (Includes a chapter on young congressman Gingrich.)

A Selection of Articles

David Osborne. "Newt Gingrich: Shining Knight of the Post-Reagan Right" Mother Jones. November 1984.

Lois Romano. "Newt Gingrich, Maverick of the Hill" The Washington Post. January 3,1985 .

Garry Wills. "Newt Gingrich's Revolution" New York Review of Books. March 23, 1995.

Connie Bruck. "The Politics of Perception" The New Yorker. October 9, 1995.

David Beers. "Master of Disaster" Mother Jones. October 1989.

Katherine Q. Seelye. "Gingrich's Life: The Complications and Ideals" The New York Times. November 24, 1994.

Dale Russakoff. "He Knew What He Wanted: Gingrich Turned Disparate Lessons Into a Single-Minded Goal" The Washington Post. December 18, 1994. Part 1 of Post biography.

Dale Russakoff & Dan Balz. "After Political Victory, A Personal Revolution" The Washington Post. December 19, 1994. Part 2.

Dan Balz & Charles Babcock. "Gingrich, Allies Made Waves and Impression; Conservative Rebels Harassed the House" The Washington Post. December 20, 1994. Part 3.

Dan Balz & Serge F. Kovaleski. "Gingrich Divided GOP, Conquered the Agenda; Revolt Gave Party a Glimpse of Its Future" The Washington Post. December 21, 1994. Part 4.

Serge Kovaleski & Charles Babcock. "Gingrich & Co. Fund a Megaphone for Ideas" The Washington Post. December 21, 1994.

Stephen Engelberg & Katherine Q. Seelye. "Gingrich: Man in Spotlight and Organization in Shadow" The New York Times. December 18, 1994.

Howard Fineman. "The Warrior" Newsweek. January 9, 1995.

Jeff Gerth & Stephen Labaton. "The Local Forces That Shaped Gingrich as a Foe of Regulation" The New York Times. February 12, 1995.

Kim Masters. "Wedded to Politics: Marianne Gingrich and the Discomforting Glare of the Spotlight" The Washington Post. March 13, 1995.

Glenn Simpson. "Will Newt Fall?" Mother Jones. July/August 1995.

Michael Lind. "Drums Along the Potomac" New York Times Book Review. July 23, 1995.

Joan Didion. "The Teachings of Speaker Newt" New York Review of Books. August 10, 1995.

Richard Dunham. "Look Who's Talking to Newt: The Speaker Pays Close Attention to a Little-Known Cadre of Entrepreneurs" Business Week. June 26, 1995.

Arianna Huffington. "Man and Woman of the House" Ladies' Home Journal. November 1995.

Katherine Q. Seelye, Stephen Engelberg & Jeff Gerth. "Files Show How Gingrich Laid a Grand GOP Plan" The New York Times. December 3, 1995.

Richard I. Kirkland. "Today's GOP: The Party's Over for Big Business" Fortune. February 6, 1995.

Jill Abramson & David Rogers. "As GOP Tries to Shrink Government, Coffers Swell With New Money" The Wall Street Journal. February 9, 1995.

Glenn Simpson. "New Addition to Gingrich Family Tree: The Progress and Freedom Foundation" Roll Call. September 12, 1994.

Glenn Simpson. "In Professor Gingrich's Class, Money Talks" Roll Call. September 15, 1994.

Glenn Simpson. "Gingrich Aided Pharmaceutical Firm That Later Contributed to Foundation" Roll Call. January 5, 1995.

Frank Gregorsky. "Planning to Work With Newt? Push Activism, Not Ideology" Renewing American Civilization. August/September 1995.

Common Cause. "The X Files: Speaker Newt Gingrich's Financial Empire." February 1995.

Fred Wertheimer. "Mr. Speaker: Clean Up the Congress" The Hill. January 11, 1995.

David Maraniss & Michael Weisskopf. "Inside the Revolution: Shaking the Money Tree: Speaker and His Directors Make the Cash Flow Right" The Washington Post. November 27, 1995.

Jeanne Cummings. "Wealthy Backers Keep Low Profile: His Shy GOPAC Faces Pressure to Reveal Donors" Atlanta Journal and Constitution. August 21, 1994.

Congressional Record: Newt's Speeches

November 3, 1983. Conservative Opportunity Society.

May 15, 1984. Debate with Tip O'Neill.

January 23, 1990. GOPAC & American Opportunities Workshop.

January 25, 1993. Renewing American Civilization.

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