the long march of newt gingrich


FRONTLINE interviews with Newt's friends, family, colleagues and critics. These interviews were conducted by correspondent, Peter Boyer, or producer, Stephen Talbot.

Howard "Bo" Callaway
In 1964, Callaway became the first Republican from Georgia elected to Congress since Reconstruction. When Gingrich took over GOPAC, Callaway became the organization's chair and chief fundraiser, 1986-1992.

Pete DuPont
Former Delaware Governor DuPont was unsuccessful in his bid for the 1988 GOP Presidential nomination. But many of his political and financial backers would underwrite Newt's 1994 Republican Revolution.

Kathleen Gingrich

Bob Gingrich

Frank Gregorsky
He met Newt while attending West Georgia College and volunteered in his early campaigns. Later, he worked in Washington as Newt's chief staff assistant in 1982 and 1983.

David Kramer
While graduate students at Tulane University in New Orleans, Kramer and Gingrich became friends and political allies. In 1968, they worked for Rockefeller's presidential campaign in Louisiana.

Eddie Mahe
Mahe met Gingrich in the mid-70s while Deputy Chair of the Republican National Committee. Mahe is a political consultant and long-time advisor to Gingrich and GOPAC.

Linda Tilton
She is the widow of Jim Tilton who was Gingrich's first and best friend. The two remained close until Jim Tilton's death in 1993.

Rep. Pat Schroeder
The Democratic Congresswoman from Colorado recently announced she will not seek re-election after 23 years in the House. Schroeder, who champions the causes of women, families and military reform, has been an outspoken critic of Gingrich and his Republican Revolution.

Guy Vander Jagt
A Republican from Michigan, Vander Jagt served in the house from 1966 to 1992 and was Chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee for more than 15 years. Vander Jagt appointed Gingrich in his first term to head the task force for a Republican majority.

Vin Weber
A former Republican Congressman from Minnesota, Weber was part of Gingrich's Conservative Opportunity Society. C.O.S. was a rebellious faction of House Republicans, the "Young Turks" committed to the conservative cause.

Fred Wertheimer
He is the former president of the public interest group Common Cause. In 1988 Common Cause, along with Gingrich, led the call for an independent investigation into then-Speaker of the House Jim Wright. More recently, Common Cause advocated the appointment of a special counsel to investigate Gingrich.

Paul Weyrich
A leading figure of the Religious Right, Weyrich is president of Free Congress Foundation and founded NET, National Empowerment Television. Gingrich met Weyrich in 1975 while attending a Republican campaign school in Wisconsin. Weyrich says he taught Gingrich everything he knows.

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