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photo of cheney and ford, the whitehouse and vp cheney being sworn in

What are your thoughts on this report about the battle over the power of the presidency and Bush and Cheney's new way of looking at the Constitution?


Mr Cheney is right to fight to change the existing laws pertaining to executive privilege if he believes that a stronger executive benefits the people. What he is not entitled to do, is break the law. Nor should he, as a leader of men , break the spirit of the law. If Frontline's excellent reporting is correct, Cheney has done both.

But at this point the Democratic Congress has more to answer for. If democrats truly believe, as I do, that Bush's infamous signing statements are illegal, or at the very least, legally challengeable, they should take the matter up on the floor. Their inaction suggest that they fully intend to avail themselves of the same privileges once their own party is in power.

Schofield Becks
Orange County, CA


I have never seen a more biased or one sided report in my short 28 years on this planet. Isn't journalism about reporting both sides of a story and letting the viewer decide. Having watched this portrayal of Cheney and the Bush administration, you would have thought this report was from some far left hit machine, not PBS, which is paid for with my tax dollars. I am profoundly disappointed.

Mike Shue
Monterey, CA


Great Program: In response to those in favor of Bush and company, did we not fight many wars to have the freedoms we now enjoy.. I was under the impression the conservative republican base wanted smaller less intrusive goverment.. Once we start abusing citzens rights as they have done, Its very easy under the patriot act to use the word terroist and go after the everyday citizen as we have seen happen. I dont think they would be in to much agreement if they or one of their family members were taken and jailed as an enemy combatant. Those I know but who are avid Bushies have not even bothered to read the patriot act, its impact locally or keep up on current events... Great Job...Very Informative..

Bill Corley
LaGrange , KY


If the show continues to explore topics so far after the fact as in how we got involved in the Iraq War years after the mistake ... the show title should be changed from FRONTLINE to BACK-STORY.

You might get more current by not waiting, scheduling and editing "talking heads" and stick to hammering the issues and let the responses and rebuttals follow the show. Not much news to talk around the water-cooler anymore.

Art Karr
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin


Constitutionally, of course, the Vice-President is not part of the Executive Branch. He has no authority over any executive officer or function, and the President has no authority over him.

His sole governmental function is that of presiding over the Senate -- until and unless he may be struck by the lightning bolt of succession. It is no wonder that through American history the relationship between Presidents and their Vice-Presidents has generally been cool and remote, at best.

The close association between "Presidential Imperialism" and a tendency to turn the Vice-President into a kind of Co-President is an intriguing phenomenon, highly reminiscent of developments affecting the office of Imperator in the later Roman Empire.

Brian Stanley
Phoenix, AZ


I have been watching you since I was in college. But tonight I was truly aghast at your blatant use of liberal journalism as a viable and respectable commentary on why people do what they do.

If Cheney were trying to reenact some type of smear campaign on U.S. citizens, I would be upset and outraged. But he wasn't. He was fighting an attack on AMERICAN SOIL, something that has NEVER happened before. Your liberal commentators talked about 911 as if it were a disagreement with Europe, not a all out attack on our American life.You would have more credibility if you would, at least, try to look like you are being fair and unbiased.

I guess, being that most people in your realm of intelligence believe Bill Clinton could have done a better job during these year after 911, your only excuse for your ignorance is that you are not used to finding the news in the President's or Vice President's office. But in Lincoln's bedroom and the tabloids!!

Coeur d Alene, Idaho


Great program. I had heard bits and pieces regarding Cheney and the DOJ. But working, as most people do, the entire story was not clear. This program gave a clear picture and fit everything together nicely. Addington and Yoo are now high on my list of villains. I can't believe the extensive damage done to our democracy by these two enablers.

Nicholas Collins
Phoenix, AZ


After all these years, where is our great nation? Hated around the world, involved in war without an end in sight, accused of torture. Our American values have been terribly eroded by the scheming and maneuvering, and for what? I hope that we can wake up out of our apathetic slumber by next election and try to undo Bush/Cheney.

Igor Fridman
Toronto, ON


As I watched tonights Frontline I kept thinking about your series, The War, by Ken Burns. As I watched The War the thing that astounded me was how the leaders of Germany and Japan convinced the population to go along with self-destructive policies that destroyed their country. As I watched the heart wrenching destruction of those people at the hands of the Russians and the Allies I couldnt help but think "that they had it comming to them". Even as the civilian population of Berlin was murdered by the Russian onslaught I didnt feel sorry for them because they had supported Hitlers policy of Germany's destiny to rule the world. Tonight as I watched Frontline and thought of how maybe America is following in the Germans footsteps, I realized that our situation is different because the majority of our population does not follow these evil men and their view of the constitution. What troubles me most is not that a group of men want unlimited power to do as they please but that the congress and senate, the people we depend on to protect our rights, are doing nothing to protect us from an eventuall dictatorship. What a sad time we live in. Where is the generation who changed this country in the 60's. I guess they have too much to lose now and no time to save our country again.

robert potter
edmond, oklahoma


"If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy. Of all the enemies to public liberty, war is perhaps the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few. The loss of liberty at home is to be charged to the provisions against danger, real or imagined, from abroad." -- James Madison

I wish President Bush had spent more time in college studying history instead of the bottom of a beer mug.

Harry Doby
Denver, CO


I believe overextended executive power and privilege are the greatest threat to our humanity and to this country, more so than any terrorist organization. Signing statements are the presidents personal loop hole to do or not do anything he wishes. If people justify to themselves that this presidents position or situation allows this, they should carefully consider that future presidents will have the same untethered power, presidents who they may not agree with. This is not about protection or security. It is about power and profit. The presidential loop holes and unchecked power must be reigned in. If/when a candidate assure a return of checks and balances and a clear line on presidential limits for future presidencies as well as theirs, they will have my vote regardless of party or position on nearly any other issue.

Jay M


What is most discouraging about using torture (and for those who believe it is not, read descriptions of "waterboarding,") is that, despite what all the police procedurals show on TV, it is one of the least effective means of obtaining information. And for those who believe we need a king instead of three co-equal branches of government, talk to someone who has lived in Eastern Europe under communist rule. By being the evil we are supposed to be fighting, and by declaring a never-ending war on a tactic and handing the Executive Branch unlimited powers to wage this so-called war, we can continue to create more enemies than we can possibly kill. Isn't that convenient for the Cheneys of this country.

Rebecca Hall
Salt Lake City, UT


First, thank you, Frontline, for your usual excellent work. As an American citizen who was taught to revere the US Constitution, I am appalled by the blatant power-grab by the Bush Administration and deeply disturbed by the amount of damage this administration has done to our nation. Thankfully, a few stood strong in defense of the US Constitution and did not sheepishly follow the herd. Being a liberal Democrat, I can't say I ever saw eye-to-eye with Ashcroft; however, after this episode of Frontline, I have a new respect for the man and his loyalty to our US Constitution.

Marie Barlow
Lincoln, Delaware


This program provided excellent insight into the incredible power that administration officials and staff have in interpreting the Constitution. I think showing the administration's ability to influence the legal support for these interpretations exposes a potential opening for executive abuse. At the same time, I think the vice-president's philosphy regarding presendential power is supported to a substantial extent, albeit not completely, by the Constitution.

Jamie Janisch
Grand Rapids, Michigan


I am appalled at the blatant disregard for our constitutional rights as US Citizens. There is enough evidence that consideration should be given to impeach the Vice President. His behavior and others of his staff have done more damage to disgrace our Nation as a whole, than at any other time in our history. I can only hope that We as a Nation can correct these ills.

martinez, GA


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posted october 16, 2007

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