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Press Reaction

The New York Times Ginia Bellafante

"… a breathtaking narrative of [Cheney's] campaign to expand executive authority since 9/11. …

"'Cheney's Law' is an exemplary exercise in synthesis that displays a reserved tone and still manages to feel like a riveting political thriller as it diagrams the ways in which the vice president's vision was often so seamlessly assimilated. …"

Detroit Free Press Mike Duffy

"… provocative and disturbing… Once again, 'Frontline' scores as television's unchallenged MVP of in-depth investigative journalism."

The Boston Globe Sam Allis

"… There is no earthshaking news here, but veteran documentarian Michael Kirk, who wrote, produced, and directed this program, provides a strong superstructure from which to connect the dots in Cheney's defining commitment.

"This is a sophisticated program for political junkies and students of government. …"

Seattle Post-Intelligencer Melanie McFarland

"… 'Frontline' once again shows us why it is premium news programming by shedding much-needed light into the darker corners of government."

Los Angeles Times Mary McNamara

"… There is no breaking news in 'Cheney's Law,' which uses an assortment of journalists and former politicos to narrate the various steps Cheney took to circumvent congressional intervention after 9/11. But having the dots connected so clearly and convincingly is both disturbing and helpful. …"

The Denver Post Joanne Ostrow

"Policy wonks will love it, but the more casual viewer should take note, too: Secure yourself in an undisclosed location and settle in for 'Cheney's Law'… 'Frontline' opens its 26th season with a typically incisive takedown of the Cheney modus operandi. …"

Chicago Tribune Mark Silva

"… a mix of strong, well-paced images and high Washington drama…"

The Hartford Courant Roger Catlin

"… a compelling investigation that doesn't always make for great television. …"

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Joanne Weintraub

"… detailed and disturbing…"

TPMMuckraker Spencer Ackerman

"… seeing many of the participants tell their stories on camera makes for compelling and vivid journalism. …"

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posted october 16, 2007

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