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photo of cheney and ford, the whitehouse and vp cheney being sworn in

What are your thoughts on this report about the battle over the power of the presidency and Bush and Cheney's new way of looking at the Constitution?


I found your program on Cheney tonight both informative and frightening. Our government is based on a separation of powers and a balance betweent three branches of government. The attempt by Cheney and those in this administration to make the President a power answerable to virtually no one scares me more than the threat of another possible terrorist attack. It seems that much of the powers claimed by the President as Commander in Chief stem from being involved in a declared war. Perhaps we should end the war, step down from this posture and return Presidential power to a more balanced and appropriate state.

Woodbury, MN


President Bush, Vice-President Cheney and David Addington are absolutely right about executive privilege. Congress would hamstring the President if allowed. Bit by bit, Congress has tried to usurp the power of the Presidency. Finally, a strong President and Vice-President have said enough is enough. As for torture, there hasn't been any REAL torture perpetrated on even one of the detainees aka terrorists. As for wire tapping, please feel free to tap my phone any time of the day or night if it will prevent another 9/11 or worse. I have nothing to hide. It's only the people who do have something to hide that need to worry. We don't live in the world of the founding fathers of the 18th century. Times have changed and we live in a nuclear world. That calls for reasonable measures to safeguard the people of this country and I support the President and Vice-President in their efforts to secure our safety. If ever a chief executive should cross the line, Congress has one definitive power that can be used-impeachment. Don't you wonder why Congress hasn't exercised that power if they truly believed the administration crossed the line as your show implies??? Enough already. You tried to make the Vice-President look like Machiavelli and Dr. Strangelove combined. He just looks like a patriot to me.

Paula Higgins
Marietta, Georgia


I am utterly shocked, disgusted, and outraged that they just think they can rewrite laws, bypass congress, and claim executive privilege when it suits them. This is the most corrupt administration I have ever witnessed. Cheney is an evil, power hungry man, and has hurt this country gravely. Despicable.

I don't care what it's for, national security or not, there is a reason there are checks and balances in government, and they totally ignored that fact. They should all be criminally prosecuted.

Boca Raton, Florida


Thank you for an excellent program! Thank God for patriots like President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Mr. Addington and Mr. Yoo. Their efforts to overcome Congress' weakness are inspiring. I'm proud to have real leaders running this country, and hope it continues after next year's elections.

Steve Birkbeck
gaithersburg, MD


With every week that passes during this Administration I grow more disheartened. I used to blame conservative Republicans, but now I'm more disappointed at all of our passivity in this matter. A few protest, but the majority of us are just watching the demise of our liberty on television. This includes myself. And I am ashamed I do not have the courage to do more.

San Antonio, TX


What a hit job - commentators from the New York Times, Newsweek, the Boston Globe, The New Yorker, the Washington Post...where was Warfare has obviously changed and we need to adapt to that change. We cannot fight today's threats with yesterday's weapons and techniques. The greatest physical threat to us is not a 100,000 man army, but something more in-line with three men and a suitcase. We need to combat the threat with speed, intelligence, and technology. That interrogation techniques involving chilly rooms, rock music, and towels on faces are considered "torture" by some, reflect on the naivete and pathetic softness of those making that judgment. We are in for a long struggle with a passionate, determined enemy unafraid of death and destruction and too many of us are psychologically neutered. The only hope of avoiding a disastrous war is the modernization of the Middle East by supporting and enabling moderate Muslims to gain control before their suicidal brethren strike a catastrophic blow that requires an equally catastrophic response. And that response will be by popular demand, regardless of who is in power. At that point, you can kiss your civil rights good bye.

Doug Druchunas
Pleasant Valley, New York

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posted october 16, 2007

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