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photo of cheney and ford, the whitehouse and vp cheney being sworn in

What are your thoughts on this report about the battle over the power of the presidency and Bush and Cheney's new way of looking at the Constitution?


Unless you believe we are not at war with terrorists and those who would commit suicide to kill Americans and all infidels then yes, Bush/Cheney are evil villans. I for one feel safe that someone is pushing the envelope to keep me and my family safe. Surely you cannot believe that the threat suing our enemies into submission gives these killers pause for one moment.

When our nation's enemies praise the Democrats and those who would tie the hands of our military and obstruct our nation efforts to prosecute the war effectively, I feel safe that the evil Bush/Cheney is fighting our enemies foreign and domestic.

Bruce Wong
Honolulu, Hawaii


Thank you so much for airing this program. You connected much of the news and analysis I've heard regarding the Bush administration's actions in a cohesive way. It helped clarify for me the timeline and relationships between all of their activities.

And what struck me most significantly was a clear theme in this administration's actions: That they are determined to have their way, especially on this issue of presidential power...without question...come hell or high water...regardless of who's rights they violate or who they might harm in the process...including going to the hospital bedside of one of their own who's seriously ill, putting his survival possibly at risk. It disgusts me how selfish and maniacal these people obsessed they are with power and how easily they are getting away with this kind of evil in this c

Susie Bodman
Keizer, OR


I read a good portion of the Washington Post's article, titled "Angler, The Cheney Vice Presidency" which first exposed some of Cheney's strange obsessive nature. But, watching this tonight, it occurred to me that Cheney is very much like Putin. UnAmerican.

Thanks PBS.


Grass Valley, CA


Thank you, Frontline, for another thought-provoking season opener.

There are no simple choices of "one side versus another" in deciding the distribution of power, the defense of the nation, and the tools to execute that mission. The wisdom of the system created by the Founding Fathers ensures that the choices are made through deliberative processes. What I found most fascinating about Frontline's program was the number of government officials - Ashcroft, Goldsmith, etc. - who could be deemed as conservative as the Vice President, yet put the law above all else.

I wonder how much more power can be consolidated by the Vice President under the Constitution.

Michael Harmanos
Costa Mesa, CA


As a Canadian, I only have the power to shake my head in disbelief as I watch the increasingly disturbing, unilateral, and unconstitutional actions of the executive branch in the US. In my coutry, our Prime Minister, though head of our executive branch of government, is required to sit in the House of Parliment and answer questions from opposing elected representatives in front of a public gallery of onlookers. I wonder if Dick Cheney would have the courage and ability to defend his actions in the open in the face of hundreds of his peers and the millions they represent.

America holds a place of high esteem in the hearts and minds of almost all the people of the world, even its enemies, that is worth more than all the economic and military might of your contry combined. It is a shame to see decisions that undermine that respect and love being made in secret by so few men.

Vancouver, British Columbia


The balance of powers is both important & alive. I assure you that if there had been a law broken by either the President or Vise-President, we would be hearing impeachment from a democratic lead congress; not suttle inuendos of unethical behavior on PBS. The fact is that congress is simply trying the best they can to combat this administations policies because many Americans (including the liberal media) don't agree with them (which is sad, since the tough approach policies enacted after 9/11 have been instrumental in keeping all of us safe for the last 6 years). However, many Americans do agree with him/them...which is why Bush was re-elected President for 4 more years, Remember?

Mark Andrie
Phoenix, Arizona


First, thank you for doing the country a favor with this report. As a conservative American who voted for George W. Bush in 2000, I have become increasingly disillusioned and scared by the rabid pursuit of power. It may be just a saying, but it is very true that "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." It does not matter what the reason for that pursuit is, a branch of government which seeks to elevate its power beyond the checks and balances of our Constitution, seeks to undermine that Constitution.

Jonathan Smith
Las Vegas, Nevada


While many expected such things went on behind closed doors, for those of us that didn't have the time to follow every report and put the pieces together as eloquently as you have, I thank you for a well informed and well produced piece on the inner workings of the administration that has set our great country so far back that it will take decades if not centuries to repair the damage done.

I am far more certain after viewing this piece that once the light of history has been shed upon the actions taken by this administration, that Bush stands no chance of being portrayed as anything less than the mouth peace of the neocons who controlled his every move.

Let us start the long process of repairing our great nation's reputation in 2008.

Michael Cochran
Rocklin, California


As I read the diferent opinions of my fellow citizens it is only clear how polorized our nation stands. Regardless of which political side of the spectrum you stand, it is dificult not to find Cheyes's law as a far departure from the true values that founded this nation. I first blame the Legislative and Judicial offices for not standing for the soul of our country. And second I blame the President for allowing Cheyeny to highjack the Oval Office.

I ask those who claim that this report is a "Liberal Atack" to first take a step back and look at reality for what it trully is. I once lifted my right hand and swore to place my life in risk to defend these values as our troops are currently doing. I understand first hand words like War,torture and colateral damage. None should be used as an excuse to lessen the value of our constitution. "I have been a Republican all my life, but now I find it dificult to stand behind this Administration.

Luis Alvarado
Pico Rivera, California


I cannot believe the level of bias this PUBLIC network allows. The first tip should have been the funding of this program by the MacArthur and Park Foundations that lean a bit too far to left by any standards. Next, interviewing people that have made their careers by bashing the Bush administration. Oh, wait....I guess David Gergen doesn't fall into that category since he was a Republican adviser.....turned Democrat adviser. I'm guessing the producers tried their hardest to get an opposing opinion on that program right, and the excuse it that ever single one of them refused the interview. I can't believe my tax dollars fund this.

Can we look at how Frontline treated Clinton in the "Clinton Years" program? If I remember correctly it was Podesta, Bagala, Shalala all singing the praises of how strong Clinton was during his darkest days. At least try to hide your bias for the sake of denying it!

Matt Funk
Saint Helens, Oregon


Critics of Cheney's Law miss the fundamental theme of this program: We are a country of laws and the efforts to increase presidential powers on the part of the Bush Administration at the expense of or worse, at the complete disdain for law is not a matter for secret actions, buried memos, late night signings and intrigue but to open democratic action and debate to properly balance political power in our nation as the constitution demands.

William Brainard
Fernandina Beach, Florida


This is exactly why we need Ron Paul as our next president. To give the people back the rights that have been stolen from them even before September 11th. He is the one man that will uphold the constitution and really be for the people.

Lisa Spires
Macon, ga


The chief question for all presidential candidates--indeed, for all candidates for elected office nationally--is this: Do you support the view of executive power advocated by this administration? If so, how will you preserve and strengthen it? If not, how will you scale it back? Because this affects all aspects of the administration of the United States government and its military, it outstrips even health care the Iraq/Iran war as issue that all serious candidates must address and all serious voters must consider.

Tucson, AZ


Effectively, the United States is now everything that we feared about the old Soviet Union. bush & chaney's actions and goal of one branch controlling every aspect of government is not much different from Stalin's form of government. Despite Reagan's best efforts to win it, bush has made us the losers in the cold war because this current administration has adapted many of Stalin's policies, morales and ideals.

Encino, CA


Frontline, again, has proven their worth and importance as a viable source of information. As a traditional Ashcroft basher, particularly going back to the Ronnie White federal bench appointment, I find myself with a new and very healthy respect for Mr. Ashcroft. In what seem like a sea of yes men, I found his devotion to and defense of our constitution reassuring. While we may not agree on certain issues, Mr Ashcroft has certainly earned my respect. Thanks for protecting our right to disagree.

Walter Simpson
Los Angeles, California


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posted october 16, 2007

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