celebrating 20 years of FRONTLINE
20 years / 420 programs: 1992
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20 years / 420 programs
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» In Search of Our Fathers

11.24.1992 (60 min)

Marco Williams was 24 years old when he learned his father's name. It was the first of many things he would discover about himself and his family in a journey into his family's past. Frontline airs the first-person story of Williams's seven-year search to learn about his father, to uncover the circumstances surrounding his birth, and to come to terms with what it means to grow up fatherless.

Producer: Marco Williams

» JFK, Hoffa, and the Mob

11.17.1992 (60 min)

Frank Ragano was an intimate friend and lawyer to Teamster president Jimmy Hoffa and attorney to Santo Trafficante, one of the most feared Mafia bosses. Now, he's the first mob lawyer ever to go public with what he knows. Journalist Jack Newfield examines Ragano's accounts of mob involvement in CIA plots to kill Fidel Castro and probes Ragano's allegations that the mob orchestrated the assassination of John Kennedy and the murder of Jimmy Hoffa.

Producer: Charles Stuart

» Monsters Among Us

11.10.1992 (60 min)

Wesley Allan Dodd's 1989 arrest in Washington State for the murder of 3 young boys ended his 15 year career of violent sex crimes. Through interviews with Dodd, other sexual offenders and their families, therapists, and treatment specialists, correspondent Al Austin investigates the epidemic of sexual assault and examines Washington's desperate solution to the problem-to keep the offenders locked up until they are judged to be no longer a danger.

Producer: Mike McLeod

» The Best Campaign Money Can Buy

10.27.1992 (60 min)

In 1992, a year when the presidential campaigns cost $400 million, Frontline, in a co-production with the Center for Investigative Reporting, investigates the behind-the-scenes money givers who finance the presidential campaigns and the access and influence they gain with the candidates. Correspondent Robert Krulwich follows the largest contributors to the Bush and Clinton campaigns and traces the impact money has on American politics.

Producer: Stephen Talbot

» The Choice '92

10.21.1992 (120 min)

In this Election '92 Special Report, Frontline presents political biographies of the two leading candidates for the presidency-Republican George Bush and Democrat Bill Clinton. Correspondent Richard Ben Cramer examines the public careers and private lives of these men, searching for clues to their character and the patterns of behavior that could predict how they might handle the problems confronting the US in the post-Cold War era.

Producer: Thomas Lennon

» The Politics of Power

10.20.1992 (60 min)

Frontline, in a co-production with the Center for Investigative Reporting, examines the story of our nation's failed energy policy. Journalist Nick Kotz investigates the role the Bush administration and key congressional committees played in creating a national energy policy that remains guided by special interests, calls for the controversial revival of nuclear power, and leaves America increasingly dependent on foreign oil supplies.

Producer: Jan Legnitto

» Thomas and Hill: Public Hearing, Private Pain

10.13.1992 (60 min)

Frontline expolores how Clarence Thomas's bitter Supreme Court nomination hearing, replete with charges of sexual harassment, reached deep into the psyche of black America. Through interviews with prominent Aftican-Americans, the program finds that the dynamics of race-being black in America-were inescapably at the heart of the story and that little common understanding existed in the way blacks and whites viewed the nomination battle.

Producer: Ofra Bikel

» Your Loan Is Denied

06.23.1992 (60 min)

Peter and Dolores Green, African-American professionals, are suing a Chicago-area bank for refusing to finance their purchase of the home they have lived in for 30 years. Correspondent Bill Schechner finds mortgage-lending discrimination a systemic problem in America's financial institutions. In a co-production with the Center for Investigative Reporting, Frontline examines the devastating effects of discriminatory lending practices on neighborhoods fighting for economic survival.

Producer: Madison Davis Lacy

» A Kid Kills

06.16.1992 (60 min)

When 15 year old Damien Bynoe and two friends took a gun and went to settle a dispute, 15 year old Korey Grant and 11 year old Charles Copney, Jr. wound up dead. Public outcry over the case led Massachusetts politicians to pass one of the country's toughest juvenile crime laws. Frontline probes what turned Damien into a kid with a gun and examines the debate over how to deal fairly with him and other young people drawn into the violence on our streets.

Producer: June Cross

» China After Tiananmen

06.02.1992 (90 min)

In June 1989, Chinese students defied their government and held pro-democracy demonstrations in Tiananmen Square. Their voices of protest were silenced with tanks and guns. Three years later, Frontline examines a country torn by the conflicting realities of liberal economic reform and continuing political repression. While China's ruling gerontocracy maintains a firm hold on political dissent, the people are embracing economic reforms and a more open society.

Producer: Irv Drasnin


06.02.1992 (30 min)

Frontline airs reactions to some of the controversial broadcasts in its tenth season. The program contains excerpts from viewer letters, responses from the subjects of Frontline documentaries, and updates to stories that continue to develop.

Producers: Elizabeth Arledge, Robin Parmelee

» Who Cares About Children?

04.28.1992 (60 min)

With 410,000 children in foster-care and over half a million expected by 1995, child advocates across the country say nearly every state is in, or approaching, a crisis. Frontline examines the child-welfare crisis in Arkansas and the struggle to reform the system-a political battle that focused squarely on Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton as he launched his presidential campaign.

Producer: Hector Galan

» The Bank of Crooks and Criminals

04.21.1992 (60 min)

Frontline examines the global banking scandal surrounding the Bank of Credit & Commerce International by tracking the aggressive investigation of the case by New York District attorney Robert Morgenthau. This report investigates the origins of BCCI, how it became a conduit for terrorism, arms deals, and drug money laundering, how its influence spread to political power brokers in the US, and why agencies of the US government were so slow to respond to the growing scandal.

Producer: Rory O'Connor

» The Betrayal of Democracy

04.15.1992 (120 min)

Journalist William Greider examines what he calls 'the deepening divide between the governed and the governing' in this PBS Election '92 Report. Drawing upon Greider's award-winning reporting and observations of Washington's politics and government for over 20 years, Frontline examines the institutions of democracy - among them the two major political parties and the press - and how they are failing the public.

Producers: Sherry Jones, Elizabeth Sams

» Investigating the October Surprise

04.07.1992 (60 min)

At the start of an official Congressional inquiry into allegations that the 1980 Reagan-Bush presidential campaign delayed the release of 52 Americans held hostage by Iran, Frontline expands on its 1991 investigation into the so-called October Surprise. Reporter Robert Parry investigates whether or not William Casey, Reagan's campaign director, could have met with Iranians in Paris and Madrid in the summer of 1980.

Producer: Robert Ross

» Saddam's Killing Fields

03.31.1992 (60 min)

One year after the fateful Kurdish uprising, Frontkine charts dissident Iraqi writer Kanan Makiya's secret return to Iraq to investigate rumors of an official extermination program aimed at the Kurds. Makiya travels from town to town, sifting through documents, audiotapes, and video footage kept for years by the Iraqi secret police and captured by the Kurds in the uprising. The records detail the horrifying scale of the Iraqi state's routine surveillance, torture, and murder.

Producers: Sakie Wykeham, Robin Parmelee

» The Death of Nancy Cruzan

03.24.1992 (90 min)

In 1984, a near-fatal automobile accident left Nancy Cruzan in a 'persistent vegetative state.' To permit the removal of Nancy's life support, the Cruzan family waged a three-and-a-half year legal battle which became the first right-to-die case heard by the US Supreme Court. Frontline follows the family's agonizing journey and chronicles their final days with Nancy.

Producer: Elizabeth Arledge

» Who Is David Duke?

03.03.1992 (60 min)

Correspondent Hodding Carter investigates the life and political career of presidential candidate David Duke-exploring Duke's troubled childhood, his intellectual journey into the extremist idealogy of the Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan, and the effort to reshape his image so he could run as a national fugure in the Republican party.

Producer: Elena Mannes

» After Gorbachev's USSR

02.25.1992 (60 min)

Frontline correspondent Hedrick Smith, the award-winning host of "Inside Gorbachev's USSR," revisits the former Soviet Union to investigate how the institutions and people he filmed for his 1990 series are dealing with the challenge of change. Smith finds a nation enjoying new freedoms of speech and conscience but on the brink of economic and political disaster.

Producer: Marian Marzynski

» Coming from Japan

02.18.1992 (60 min)

The Matsushita Electric Company is one of the largest corporations in the world, with a controversial history in the US stretching back more than 30 years. Shuichi Kato, a leading social critic in Japan, joins Frontline in an investigation of the conflicts that have surrounded Matsushita in the US and explores some of the larger moral and cultural issues that confront Japan as it expands rapidly abroad.

Producer: Thomas Lennon

» The Last Communist

02.11.1992 (60 min)

The Cuban Revolution has turned into a struggle to feed its people. To understand what has happened to Cuba, Frontline tells the story of Cuba's controversial and charismatic leader, Fidel Castro-from the early days when his small guerilla band launched a revolution from the Sierra Maestra Mountains to the present day as Cuba's isolated, but defiant, leader.

Producer: Stephanie Tepper

» The Resurrection of Reverend Moon

01.21.1992 (60 min)

Frontline investigates the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, who after serving 13 months in prison in the early 1980s for conspiracy and false tax returns, has reemerged as a major media, financial, and political power in the new conservative establishment. The program explores Moon's long involvement with US political causes and politicians and the foreign sources of funding for Moon's Unification Church.

Producer: Rory O'Connor


 1991 >






















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