tanzania: hero rats

related resources


Country Profiles: Tanzania and Mozambique
FRONTLINE/World provides a map of these two countries, lists related resources, and describes their history, politics, culture and the legacy of land mines in the region.

Hero Rat
This is the official website of APOPO, Weetjens’ organization featured in the video. The site explains how the group got started, the services it provides, the impact it has made, and how others can get involved.

How Landmines Work
This feature provides information on how land mines work, different kinds of mines, the vocabulary of land mines, traditional techniques for detecting them, and military mine-clearing machines.

Interview with Bart Weetjens
In this FRONTLINE/World interview, the director of the Belgian APOPO demining organization featured in the film discusses the unique abilities of the African pouched rat and the lasting effect that land mines can have on communities.

U.S. Land Mine Policy Is Shameful
This article by the founding coordinator of the International Campaign to Ban Land Mines criticizes the Obama administration’s decision not to sign the International Mine Ban Treaty.

U.S. Land Mine Policy Surpasses Ottawa Treaty, State Says
This article from the U.S. State Department defends the U.S. Landmine Policy, saying that its principles exceed those of the Ottawa Treaty.

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