haiti: the aid dilemma

Related Standards


These standards are drawn from “Content Knowledge,” a compilation of content standards and benchmarks for K-12 curriculum by McRel (Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning) at

Civics, Standard 23.1: Understands the influence that American ideas about rights have had abroad and how other peoples’ ideas about rights have influenced Americans

Economics, Standard 1.2: Understands that increases in productivity are affected by incentives that reward successful innovation and investments (e.g., in research and development, and in physical and human capital)

Economics, Standard 1.4: Understands that investing in new physical or human capital involves a trade-off of lower current consumption in anticipation of greater future production and consumption

Economics, Standard 2.2: Understands that economic institutions (e.g., small and large firms, labor unions, not-for-profit organizations) have different goals, rules and constraints, and thus respond differently to changing economic conditions and incentives

Economics, Standard 3.3: Understands that changes in supply or demand cause relative prices to change; in turn, buyers and sellers adjust their purchase and sales decisions

Economics, Standard 3.4: Understands that a shortage occurs when buyers want to purchase more than producers want to sell at the prevailing price, and a surplus occurs when producers want to sell more than buyers want to purchase at the prevailing price

Economics, Standard 3.5: Understands that shortages or surpluses usually result in price changes for products in a market economy

Economics, Standard 5.2: Understands the concept of supply and demand in the labor market (e.g., if wage or salary payments increase, workers will increase the quantity of labor they supply and firms will decrease the quantity of labor they demand)

Economics, Standard 10.6: Understands that public policies affecting foreign trade impose costs and benefits on different groups of people (e.g., consumers may pay higher prices, profits in exporting firms may decrease), and that decisions on these policies reflect economic and political interests and forces

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