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al qaeda's new front


Discussion Questions

Featured Lesson Plan
  • Summit Meeting
  • Student Handout: Test of Tolerance
  • Student Handout: Preserving the Alliance Against Terrorism
  • Student Handout: Madrid Bombings and U.S. Policy
  • Student Handout: Race and Immigration in Europe
  • Student Handout: Recent Laws are Wrong Way to Integrate European Muslims

  • Additional Lesson Ideas
  • Summit Meeting: Second Round
  • Ethnic Discrimination or Protecting National Security
  • Muslim-Christian Ties in Europe: Past, Present and Future

  • Internet Resources

    Printable .pdf of Entire Guide
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    » Resources

    A Note about Internet Resources:
    Students need to be aware that Web sites sometimes present only one view of an issue. Encourage them to think about Web sites even as they are reading. Guiding questions as they review Web sites are: What did you learn from this site? What didn't you learn from this site? Who sponsors this site? What bias might the sponsor have? How current is the site?

    The companion Web site to the FRONTLINE film includes: a country-by-country breakdown of terrorist activity in Europe; a comparison of European and American approaches to fighting terrorism; a look at why radical Salafist and Takfir Islamic ideologies are taking root among some European Muslims; a closer look at the current understanding of Al Qaeda and how it operates; interviews with European and U.S. counterterrorism officials and streaming video of the full show.

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