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al qaeda's new front


Discussion Questions

Featured Lesson Plan
  • Summit Meeting
  • Student Handout: Test of Tolerance
  • Student Handout: Preserving the Alliance Against Terrorism
  • Student Handout: Madrid Bombings and U.S. Policy
  • Student Handout: Race and Immigration in Europe
  • Student Handout: Recent Laws are Wrong Way to Integrate European Muslims

  • Additional Lesson Ideas
  • Summit Meeting: Second Round
  • Ethnic Discrimination or Protecting National Security
  • Muslim-Christian Ties in Europe: Past, Present and Future

  • Internet Resources

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    » Discussion Questions

    1. After the Madrid train bombings, European police investigators discovered connections to the suspected bombers in Morocco, London, Paris, and Rome. Terrorism experts featured in the FRONTLINE program say that Al Qaeda is more globalized and more powerful than before September 11. President Bush has said "We're tracking Al Qaeda around the world, and nearly two-thirds of their known leaders have now been captured or killed." Why do you think the U.S. and Europe have such different views of Al Qaeda's strength?
    2. From what you saw in the program, what role does poverty, unemployment, marginalization and despair play in the recruitment of young Muslim men into jihadist movements in Europe? What do these movements provide for these recruits?
    3. When the Madrid train bombings occurred, Spain was just days away from elections, and in the emotional aftermath of the tragedy, the conservative government that had supported the Iraq invasion was pushed out of power. If this was the political strategy of the terrorists, what might it say for the future of democracy in Europe, Iraq or other countries?
    4. In the past three years, European authorities have arrested, jailed, or detained many hundreds of people -- some illegal foreigners, some European citizens -- suspected of terrorist activity. How is the U.S. policy of not releasing suspected terrorists it is holding in detention centers like Guantanamo frustrating European efforts to prosecute their suspected terrorists? Why do you think the U.S. is hesitant to release its suspected terrorists to European officials?
    5. What did you learn in the film about Salafist and Takfir Islamic ideologies?
    6. What are some reasons why terrorists choose to use Europe as a training ground?
    7. Young Muslim immigrants coming to Europe have had difficulty assimilating into European culture. They are often unemployed, rejected by Europeans and the targets of racism. Have you or do you know of students who have had similar difficulties coming to a new school or neighborhood? Did they eventually feel they belonged? What occurred either on their part or the part of the people already in the school or neighborhood that helped turn the situation around for them?

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