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In the News Powerful From the Start

September 30, 2010

VIEW: A clip on how Pete Rouse first signed on to be chief of staff for Barack Obama. It was six years ago -- Obama then was the promising new senator from Illinois and Rouse had already earned the nickname "the 101st senator" for his political savvy on the Hill.

The video is from "The Choice 2008," where you can read FRONTLINE's extended conversation with Rouse, along with conversations with others who've known Obama over the years.



Props for getting this up so quickly. It's great when FRONTLINE can provide deeper insight into figures in the news.

Rich / October 1, 2010 9:29 AM

I look forward to seeing the whole episode.

Spencer Peeler / October 2, 2010 11:20 AM

frontline has been one of the top inside reporting shows not only on PBS but in all the rest of the TV spectum, I am always looking forward to watch. PBS is my main source of programing. thank you for you hard work.

frank / October 4, 2010 7:38 PM

frontline is noted for its uniqueness in presenting facts to support any episodes. My students and I are always looking forward to be educated by your programs. thank you.

owusu-ansah agyapong / October 5, 2010 10:48 AM