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Inside FRONTLINE The New Face of H.S. Football

September 7, 2010

football players

Quarterback Kiehl Frazier of the Shiloh Christian Saints (AR) feels the heat from Euless Trinity Trojans (TX) in the 2010 Herbstreit National Kickoff Classic at Cowboys Stadium. The Saints lost 26-80.

Quarterback Kiehl Frazier has more college scholarship offers than any player in the history of Arkansas. Samuel Harvill has been called the strongest 18 year-old in the nation. In the game of their lives on Monday (9/6/10), the Shiloh Christian Saints went up against the top-ranked Euless Trinity Trojans (TX) at Dallas Cowboys Stadium -- and lost.

Coming Spring 2011, award-winning FRONTLINE producer Rachel Dretzin ("Digital Nation," "Growing Up Online," and "The Merchants of Cool") follows the Saints through this long-anticipated season and looks at the new face of high school football.



A report on high school football!? With all the things happening in the world today, please tell me how this is important??? It's looks as though even Frontline has been intimidated into meaninglessness. I am sad to see it...

Doug / September 8, 2010 2:10 PM

Things are ALWAYS happening in the world. sometimes it's nice to watch something more enjoyable. Lighten up.

Bryant / September 8, 2010 2:54 PM

yes lighten up hs football is woven into the fabric of this great land and therefore worthy of a great show like frontline how about a little less soccer talk save that mumbojumbo 4 the other countries

tony / September 8, 2010 3:38 PM

Personally I like the change in reporting and think FrontLine will do a great job following the team and creating an interesting story. How can you possibly say this does not have to do with the world today? I am sure the documentary will go into how this QB "stud" has many scholarships, etc but w/o football what changes in life would he have? If you don't think about this side of things when looking at high school sports in particular football and basketball you really are not looking at the entire picture. Football for better or worse for many of these kids is their only way to a better life and am curious to see if FrontLine talks about the corrupt, money-hungry adults who scout kids before they even hit puberty b/c thats where the really story is.

doug n / September 8, 2010 3:45 PM

My Journalism students and I are looking forward to seeing Dretin's latest work. The students really enjoy the units we do for the three mentioned above.

Melanie / September 8, 2010 9:10 PM

I have to agree with the first comment - we are living in a world with systemic deep rooted issues and Frontline has always been one of very few shows to uncover hidden truths. But this story fails to fall in line with what so many fans have grown to love and respect from Frontline.

Anthony / September 8, 2010 10:44 PM

Doug obviously does not have any children involved in high school athletics. Sensationalized journalism (Frontline excluded) is available at every grocery store check out lane in America and most of the 130 channels on cable are reality show creations that spur nothing intellectualy. So keep in front Frontline with interesting topics ( Jersey Shore excluded)

Harry / September 9, 2010 12:28 AM

sadly, a lot of these kids are getting minor concussions which has long term damage

dave / September 9, 2010 4:40 PM

I coached h.s. football for 20 seasons, baseball for 11 seasons, and track for 7; I also taught literature, research, and creative writing for 30 years in the h.s. classroom. As much as I love sports, I love the life of the mind even more; I taught my players to be students in the classroom as well as students of the game on the field. What I emphasized was a love of the subject matter for what it provided for head/heart/and soul, not for the "perks." For most, the "dream" of high-profile success in sport, such as the college scholarship or the pro contract, is beyond reality---yet our culture has idolized sports and elevated the franchise athlete to god-like status, at the expense of helping kids reach worthy dreams through education and finding their calling. Love the game, sure; dream big, sure; but see the life-long aspects of sport (teamwork, commitment, physical and mental excellence, personal bests, respect for opponents, etc) v. the limited-window of sport(the focus on fame, wealth, win-at-all-costs, etc.) Sport in
America has became largely self-serving; is that the message to impart to our kids? They need to step away from mirror of self-absorption and instead look out the window to see/hear the troubles of society/nation/world, and respond.

Jeff Carpenter / September 10, 2010 1:32 PM

As I am not American, I regular tune in to Frontline for commentary on American culture. It would be intellectual snobbery to dismiss a piece on sport as unimportant despite the wars and politics because High School sports might tell us something about society. In recent times it is difficult to separate sport from money. Corruption and doping have become regular news in the sports pages. Maybe when we are kids we enjoyed the game in its purity. Is that still true for the kids in American High Schools?

Vishnu Varathan / September 11, 2010 8:23 AM