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Inside FRONTLINE Behind the Lens: Obama's War

July 23, 2010

A Canon 5D Mark II, a skateboard wheel and a custom-built steady cam device led to some of the most intense war footage FRONTLINE has ever aired -- Chapter 1 of Obama's War -- shot by Danfung Dennis while embedded with Echo Company, 2nd Battalion, 8th Marine Regiment in Afghanistan's Helmand province [Warning: This chapter contains graphic language and violent imagery]. Dennis was recently named one of the top 25 new faces of independent film by Filmmaker magazine and was nominated for any Emmy for his work on Obama's War along with veteran and award-winning director of photography Timothy Grucza [The War Briefing, Gangs of Iraq].

Read more about Dennis' experiences in Afghanistan and his unique camera setup here. Also view the entirety of Obama's War here.



When I was watching this segment I, as a 5dmark2 owner, thought about how it really is the perfect rig for this kind of work. It really allows you to get some fantastic shots. I'm impressed as to the the autofocus system, and the whole shoot in general. Fantastic work.

Austin Federa / July 23, 2010 2:57 PM

Sorry guys, but from the consumer's point of view, it viscerally is inferior to some WWII footage.

don halbert / August 2, 2010 3:19 PM

I am very impress by this video. I wish we get the hell out of Afghanistan. We have no business being there in first place. Taliban is not Al-Qaida and insurgency in afghanistan all about get rid of corrupt and incompetent regime that has been erected by our politician and our military and nothing else.
Hamid Karzia and his cronnies are so corrupt and disliked by his own people never able to establish a government in kabul, because he so afraid to be assasined by his own people. All of our taxpayers money are funneled from Afghanistan to swiss banks and other banks around world and nothing left for people of afghanistan to use for s and education of their children.

ali bachari / August 15, 2010 1:29 AM