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In the News As California Goes...

January 26, 2009

“They love that we're the biggest car market on earth. They hate that we try to regulate what comes out of their tailpipes.”
Terry Tamminen, Gov. Schwarzenegger advisor, on how Detroit views California

"Yes, you can," President Obama tells California and 13 other states seeking to set tighter limits on automobile emissions. The move is a complete U-turn from the policy of the previous administration, and something of a blow to the automakers, who could count on the Bush White House to beat the states back on emissions reduction.

The story of Detroit's successful lobbying efforts at the EPA is told in depth in HEAT, producer Martin Smith's wide-ranging, two-hour exploration of the fix we're in on global warming, how we got into it, and what we have to do to get out. You can see the entire program on our program Web site, or go straight to the EPA excerpt on this page.

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