Archives January 2009

Collateral DamageIn the News

Collateral Damage

January 30, 2009
As Army suicides hit a three-decade high, we examine the history of post-traumatic stress disorder.
As California Goes...In the News

As California Goes...

January 26, 2009
"Yes you can," the president tells states looking to tighten standards on car emissions. As Martin Smith reported in HEAT, that's a sharp U-turn from the way things were in the Bush years.
Attack of the CyberwormIn the News

Attack of the Cyberworm

January 23, 2009
Careful what you download: a new and insidious worm has been loosed in cyberspace. How much harm can one worm do? See Cyber War!, and be afraid.
Obama MomentsIn the News

Obama Moments

January 14, 2009
On the occasion of an historic changing of the guard, four brief snapshots from Dreams of Obama, FRONTLINE's look at the new man on Pennsylvania Avenue.
The T WordIn the News

The T Word

January 14, 2009
"We tortured al-Qatahni," a senior Pentagon official said last week, using the T word for the first time. But FRONTLINE told Qahtani's story three years ago.
New Kid in the SenateIn the News

New Kid in the Senate

January 14, 2009
In the U.S. Senate, rising through the ranks is a long, slow process. Unless you're Barack Obama, in which case, things happen fast.
Law ManIn the News

Law Man

January 13, 2009
You think getting to the Oval Office is tough, try running for president of the Harvard Law Review.
The CounterterroristIn the News

The Counterterrorist

January 9, 2009
The man named to advise Barack Obama on counterterrorism was supposed to head the CIA, until remarks he made to FRONTLINE hit the blogosphere.
Out of NowhereComing Attractions

Out of Nowhere

January 8, 2009
On July 28, 2004, a largely unknown state senator from Illinois stepped to the podium at the Democratic National Convention and hit the political big time.
Heck of a JobFlashback

Heck of a Job

January 5, 2009
This week's FRONTLINE is a story of hope and heroism in the aftermath of Katrina. The program we did three years ago, on the same subject, told a somewhat less inspiring tale.