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FRONTLINE / World Behind the Mumbai Massacre

December 12, 2008

“The refugees in the camp ... are very happy. They say that God has sent us to mend their ways.”
Abu Zargam, leader of Pakistani refugee camp run by outlawed Islamist group, Jamaat ud Dawa

Two weeks ago, the attack on Mumbai put a new name on the global terrorist map: Lashkar e Taiba, the group believed responsible for the attack. Now -- some say belatedly -- Pakistan has begun a crackdown on LeT, and also on an above-ground organization believed to be tied to it. This latter group, Jamaat ud Dawa, may be familiar to FRONTLINE/World viewers who have followed Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy's extensive and expert reporting out of the region.

In 2005, Sharmeen reported on relief efforts following the devastating earthquake in Kashmir. Among the camps she visited was one run by the very same Jamaat ud Dawa. An excerpt of her coverage is featured on this page, with the full report, plus a good deal of additional coverage of the Mumbai story, available on the FRONTLINE/World Web site.

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