Archives December 2008

While Gaza BurnsIn the News

While Gaza Burns

December 30, 2008
So what is it about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that makes it so difficult to resolve? A short course on the obstacles to peace in the mideast.
The Carpenter from NazarethFlashback

The Carpenter from Nazareth

December 24, 2008
Was Jesus who we think he was? One of the most popular FRONTLINE programs ever explores the life of Christ, and challenges long-held assumptions about the origins of Christianity.
The Veep Sticks to His GunsIn the News

The Veep Sticks to His Guns

December 22, 2008
Dick Cheney tells Fox News, we did what we had to do to save the nation. Does that argument wash? What are the limits of presidential authority after 9/11?
Bagman-in-ChiefFRONTLINE / World


December 20, 2008
As Siemens AG pays the largest fine for bribery in modern corporate history, the man who ran the show tells FRONTLINE, "I didn't really look at it from an ethical standpoint." An exclusive video interview.
Caveat DebtorIn the News

Caveat Debtor

December 19, 2008
Who benefits from the new credit card regulations issued this past week? Quite likely you do. Here's why...
Justice Comes (Late) to RwandaIn the News

Justice Comes (Late) to Rwanda

December 18, 2008
A mastermind of the Rwandan genocide gets a life sentence, and FRONTLINE revisits his grisly tale.
Behind the Mumbai MassacreFRONTLINE / World

Behind the Mumbai Massacre

December 12, 2008
Pakistan moves against a popular group with alleged ties to the Mumbai attackers. From FRONTLINE/World, a background report on another side of Jamaat ud Dawa.
Any Means NecessaryIn the News

Any Means Necessary

December 12, 2008
A new report on abuses at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo confirms what FRONTLINE reported three years ago: The orders came from the top.
Trib-ulationsIn the News


December 8, 2008
Extra, extra: From News War, the backstory on the Tribune Company's road to Chapter 11.
In From the ColdIn the News

In From the Cold

December 7, 2008
Five years ago, the general just named to head the Dept. of Veterans Affairs gave testimony to Congress that cost him a 38-year career. Here's what happened.
Running on EmptyIn the News

Running on Empty

December 4, 2008
Once upon a time, our automobile industry really was the heartbeat of America. What happened? A lot of wrong turns, including this whopper from the early 90s.
General JonesIn the News

General Jones

December 3, 2008
Some tough talk on Afghanistan the president-elect can expect to hear from his newly appointed national security adviser. Hint: it's all about the drugs.