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In the News When Thomas Met Sally

November 20, 2008

“Think of what this must have meant for his white daughter, Martha, to have another set of children by a slave woman mixed in with her and her children. People in the community talk about it.”
Annette Gordon-Reed, on Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings

Annette Gordon-Reed has just won the National Book Award for nonfiction for The Hemingses of Monticello: An American Family. The judges called her work "a mesmerizing narrative."

Gordon-Reed also figures prominently in a FRONTLINE titled Jefferson's Blood, which explores some of the same territory as her book. Excerpts from the FRONTLINE film and extensive background material, including an interview with Gordon-Reed, are available on our website.

For more on the book and its author, click here, or watch the attached background piece, courtesy of BookVideos.tv.

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