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Video A Terrorist in the Family

October 14, 2008

“When we have no bullets left, we still have our cyanide capsules.”
"Dharshika" (nom de guerre), Sri Lankan suicide bomber

Following the death of her father in a brutal civil war, a dreamy, 12-year-old Sri Lankan girl disappears from her village to join one of the fiercest and most effective terrorist organizations in the world, the Tamil Tigers. A decade later, "Dharshika" (her nom de guerre) is still there, and now a full-fledged suicide bomber.

We know about Dharshika because a very patient and determined Norwegian filmmaker by the name of Beate Arnestad somehow managed to persuade the Tamil Tigers to let her film, without restrictions, inside their very closed world. The result is My Daughter the Terrorist, a remarkable documentary that FRONTLINE/World has excerpted and edited together with an interview with the filmmaker. To see the video, and read more about the events surrounding it, click here.

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