Beyond Broadcast

Poland 1939-1945
New Content Copyright © 1998 PBS and WGBH/FRONTLINE

Numbers correspond to timeline events and locations.


Treblinka concentration camp was located just 20 km from Bransk and functioned as a killing center for the Jews of the Warsaw region. Like other death camp sites, Treblinka was linked by rail to major Jewish communities in its region of Poland.

The deportation and subsequent exterminaton of the Warsaw region Jews stood as the largest slaughter of a single community--Jewish or non-Jewish--during World War II. In just a seven-week period, 265,000 Jews were deported and gassed.

Death camps (skull and crossbones) were concentration camps established for the singular purpose of exterminating Jews during the Holocaust. Six of these camps operated in Poland. Four of the six million Jews killed between 1933-1945 were murdered in death camps.

Concentration camps were established in Nazi-occupied territory. Jewish prisoners were starved, tortured, murdered, and put into forced labor.

New Content Copyright © 1998 PBS and WGBH/FRONTLINE

TIMELINE || POLAND 1835-1917 || POLAND 1939-1945 || POLAND 1996

New Content Copyright © 1998 PBS and WGBH/FRONTLINE


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