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ground zerojoin the discussion: What are your thoughts on the roots of militant Islam and the minds and motivations of those who hate the U.S.?


It seems that the U.S. has a daunting task in finding a solution to this global problem. The Islamic militants have graduated from free running radicals to an organized group that is financed with recruitment strategies and P.R. capabilties. The entire world will surely be needed to combat them and the seeds that they plant today. I pray for us all.

Alexander Garcia
bronx, new york


The Sunday newspaper TV guide had indicated that this program would be on Thursday so I missed the beginning. My question is about US foreign policy. Why are we so supportive of Israel. Israeli's kill Palestinians on an almost daily basis and are not called terrorists. Why? Is it because they are on our side. Are there sides in terrorism? Who decides which side is the right side and is that adequately explained to the public? Should we review our foreign policy world-wide? Are we fair and impartial in trying to decide which governments to support and which we want to overthrow?

columbus, ohio

FRONTLINE's editors respond:
"Looking for Answers" will be rebroadcast on Thursday, October 11. Check your local listings for times.


I enjoyed your informative and educational program tonight. I am disturbed by the position being taken by George Bush as reflected by Colin Powell's second in command. He just doesn't get the point, that as a superpower we have responsibilities to people of other nations with which we fraternize. This is not a war that can be won with more war and violence. Why can't our leaders focus on the underlying issues of disparity, poverty and wealth distribution. Can't we take this opportunity to deal with the issues simmering in the boiling pot, population control, evironmental degredation and sustainable lifestyles and economies. Where can we as individuals have the greatest impact in making a change in the process and future vision for the world.

Bradford Kollars
sioux city, iowa


It seems to me that we give too much creadance to those who would be our critics. For all the agonizing over why others hate us, we miss the obvious answer that those who hate choose to hate. Where are the voices of responsibility among the Islamic faithful? Why haven't clerics rebuked the violent previously? Why do we hear Moslems only speaking of Israeli violence against Palestinians, when often we see that it is the Palestinians initiating violence?

It bothers me that we are so quick to accept lies and excuses. We may not have a war against Islam, but it is not clear that Islam does not want to have a war with those it wishes to call infidels.

JB Fields
washington, dc

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