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To accompany this joint FRONTLINE/The New York Times report, here is a collection of articles from The New York Times (no registration required).

Middle East/Egypt/Saudi Arabia Reports:

arrowBin Laden and His Followers Adhere to an Austere, Stringent Form of Islam

by Neil MacFarquhar

The faith that drives Osama bin Laden and his followers is a particularly austere and conservative brand of Islam known as Wahhabism, which was instrumental in creating the Saudi monarchy, and if sufficiently alienated, could tear it down.

arrowNowhere Man

by Fouad Ajami

Islam didn't produce Mohamed Atta. He was born of his country's [Egypt] struggle to reconcile modernity with tradition.

arrowWar Against Terror Tests Fragile Relations With U.S.

by Neil MacFarquhar

Saudi Arabia's track record in previous terrorism investigations has been one of keeping its distance from the United States.

arrowMore Extremists Find Basis for Rebellion in Islam

by Douglas Jehl

Even in World War II troops were sent into battle with assurances from Protestant, Catholic and Jewish chaplains that God was on their side and that their deaths would make them martyrs.

arrowU.S. Has a Long Way to Go To Bring Around Egyptians

by Neil MacFarquhar

Mahamoud Bahi Radwan, the principal, held court behind his battered wooden desk at Mustafa Kamal Middle School on Monday, urging teachers seated on plastic chairs in his cramped office to discuss Egypt joining the battle against the forces who carried out what he called "the slap."

U.S. Intelligence Articles:
arrowHouse Panel Calls for 'Cultural Revolution' in FBI and CIA

by Alison Mitchell

The House panel that oversees the nation's intelligence agencies has called for far reaching changes in intelligence operations.

arrowAgents Pursue German Leads on Terror Trail

by Lowell Bergman and Don Van Natta Jr.

A key to understading the plot behind the terrorist attacks in New York and on the Pentagon might lie in Germany, not the United States, a senior law enforcement official said.

arrowU.S. to Publish Terror Evidence on bin Laden

by Jane Perlez and Tim Weiner

The Bush administration plans to make public evidence linking Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda network to the terror attacks on the United States in an effort to persuade the world, and particularly Muslim nations, that a military response is justified.

arrowThe Building Of a Network That Is Global and Reliable

by Tim Weiner

The United States is sending bulletins to police and intelligence services around the world, trying to create a global network that could help round up 3,000 people in about 30 countries who are suspected of working with Osama bin Laden.

arrowRoadblocks Cited in Efforts to Trace bin Laden's Money

by Tim Weiner and David Cay Johnston

A six-year struggle to uncover Osama bin Laden's financial network failed because American officials did not skillfully use the legal tools they had, did not realize they needed stronger weapons, and faced resistance at home and abroad, officials involved in the effort say.

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