From: Eischeid, Jeffrey A
Sent: Wednesday, July 21,1999 6:10 AM
To: Comer, Michael S
Cc: Ammerman, Douglas K; Green, Douglas J
Subject: FW: National Accounts Database
The following is a draft "product pitch" similar to the one you forwarded me last month. Note that this product has received tentative DPP-Tax approval. It is still subject to Washington National Tax review of the underlying documentation to insure the documentation comports with various representations. That review is currently in process and should be completed some time this week or next week. To be conservative, you should probably wait for formal approval before distributing your email to National Account TSPs.
I'd like to talk to you about more specific targeting within the National Accounts list. This effort is going to be somewhat difficult given the breath of application of the BLIPS product.
Finally, I am not sure how to integrate the BLIPS product announcement with the broader PFP issue we discussed on the 14th. Specifically, if the priority of the TSPs is to enhance KPMG's relationships with the "C class", they should introduce their local PFP partner and the broad services that the PFP practice offers, e.g. tax retum preparation, estate planning, stock option planning, retirement planning, etc. Innovative Strategies (formerly CaTS) is an integral part of that broad practice and is something like the icing on the cake. If the notion of a broad PFP relationship doesn't sell in a particular situation, we can at least offer key executives an introduction to Innovative Strategies. Innovative Strategies is a portfolio of value-added products that are designed to mitigate an individual's income tax as well as estate and gift tax burdens. BLIPS is just one of the products in the Innovative Strategies portfolio.