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press reaction

Newark Star Ledger · Matt Zoller Seitz

"Tonight's 'Frontline' is a populist's version of a worst-case-scenario. Title 'Tax Me If You Can,' it uses evidence and sharp argumentation to prove what economically bruised viewers have long suspected: taxes are for suckers who don't have money.

"Correspondent Hedrick Smith paints an alarming picture of taxation in the United States..."

Rocky Mountain News · Dusty Saunders

"... A compelling and timely documentary that examines the rampant abuse of tax shelters that gained steam beginning in the late '90s. ...

"As it normally does, 'Frontline' simply doesn't throw out disturbing figures and add 'we must fix the situation' platitudes. The hour is a hard-nosed investigation, graphically illustrating tax frauds in terms that even a financial dummy like myself can understand. ..."

Kansas City Star · Aaron Barnhart

"... For years [Hedrick] Smith has been breaking arcane business concepts into bite-sized pieces for viewers of PBS' 'Frontline' series.

"On Thursday he strikes again with 'Tax Me If You Can,' an investigative report into the highly complicated system of corporate tax shelters. ..."

Hartford Courant · Roger Catlin

"As we begin to assemble our receipts for another tax filing, 'Frontline' reminds us that corporate tax shelters have cost the government -- and as a result taxpayers -- more than $85 billion. ...

"It may be a little too complex to fully explain in a one-hour report, but it's enough to create alarm and dismay among those of us who must pay the difference."


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posted february 19, 2004

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