THE CRIMINAL CASE AGAINST THE TOBACCO INDUSTRY by Lowell Bergman and Oriana Zill Bergman is the correspondent and Zill is the associate producer for FRONTLINE's report, Inside the Tobacco Deal.

Mr. R. D. Carpenter December 15, 1969
L. Weissbecker
R.J. Reynolds Biological Research Program.

I met Dr. Price from R. J. Reynolds at the CTR-USA meeting of December 11 and 12, 1969. He mentioned doing chronic cigarette smoke exposure studies with rats. The animals received up to 500 cigarettes and emphysema was produced. They were also looking for other changes but apparently were not successful.

He expressed interest in nicotine pharmacology and mentioned that this work is integrated with their packaging toxicity work. Recently they hired a wife of an instructor from Bowman Gray School of Medicine, she is doing research with lung macrophages. I believe her name is Hess.

He was interested in learning about the gas chromatographic profile of cigarette smoke within animal exposure chambers.

LW: mro
cc: Dr. T.S. Osdene
Dr. H. Wakeham


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