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INCOME: $67, 000

SOPHOMORE YEAR  (Courses/Grades)

US HistoryAA
World LiteratureAA
Algebra 3&4 (Hon)BC
Marine Biology(Hon)A
(UC Berk summer)
Spanish 5&6AA
Economics A
JUNIOR YEAR (Courses/Grades)

American Gov'tA
American LiteratureBA
Calculus (Hon)C
Adv. BiologyBA
Spanish 7&8AA
Politics and PowerA
Amer. Family in US (AP)A
(College Summer)

Student Gov't President s 9th-11th

Director 12th grade

Youth Student Activities Director 12th grade

YMCA Youth President of South Berkeley Delegation 11th-12th

Member of California State YMCA Governing Board 11th-12th

Key Club 9th-12th

Junior Statesmen of America 3yrs

African Student Association 9th-12th

Varsity Softball 9th-12

Assistant Campaign Manager for Berkeley School Board Election

Intern for CA State Assembly - Tom Bates 12th Grade

Berkeley HS Monitoring Program 12th Grade

SF Girls & Boys Club Residential Camp Counselor & Sign Language Interpreter

$1,000 Scholarship for Outstanding Student Siwkler-Miller Medical Assoc.

Nat'l Participant in LEAD program in Business(4 weeks at Univ. of Arizona)

Acad. and Community Service Award for Excellence

OutstandingCommunity Service, Berkeley Rotary club

High Honors in Golden State Exams for Algebra and Geometry

S.F, Boys & Girls Club Golden "C" Award


Courtsey Clerk at a Market

Assistant Tour Guide- De Young Museum

Sat Scores


The Willard Junior High 8th Grade Flag Football team lined up for third down, planning for a long yardage pass. I crouched into position when suddenly, the words, "No matter what, get the girl!" cut through the crisp fall air. I was the only girl on the field and could not believe the directive had come from the mouth of the opposing head football coach. I had endured many sexist comments uttered under the breaths of other players as we lined up nose to nose, but usually the adults were a little more subtle. After disregarding the comment we proceeded to plow through the opposing team to achieve a first down, and went on to win the game.

That day on the football field I held my ground. They did not "get the girl." If anything the opposing coach's comment moved me to a higher level of play. I am not an easy tackle, but a strong willed and focused individual. As we walked off the field that afternoon, my teammates joked with me about the coach's comment. I didn't mind. We were a team, they were my friends, and we had won the game.

The aspects of my character displayed as member on my junior high football team have been pervasive during my high school career. School has never come easily for me, and I have had to work diligently to earn my academic success. Mathematics presents the greatest challenge to me but nevertheless I have continued to challenge myself by taking honors and AP math classes. I am proud of my mathematics grades and I am currently in Advanced Placement Calculus AB.

As progressive as one might believe Berkeley High School to be, sitting in the literal shadow of the University of California at Berkeley, the going is tough and lonely in advanced classes as an academically talented African American female. Often in classes I feel the personal challenge of having to be one step ahead, one-degree smarter and more thoroughly prepared than do my classmates. This challenge has never hindered me in expressing my opinions and I have become expert at presenting them in a way that they are heard, considered, respected and absorbed.

My participation this fall in Advanced Placement Patterns in Black Literature has presented a refreshing forum for me to assert my opinions based on my life experiences. The class has only four students of color. As we discussed Ellison's Invisible Man and explored the question "Why read Baldwin?" we have been challenged to rethink our opinions and attitudes. The dynamics of the class have been interesting and we have learned as much from each other as we have from our instructor. The literature has provoked discussions about racial prejudice, attitudes, and stereotypes. My African American voice carried a different weight in this course. As progressive as my peers believe they are, they are realizing they have, to a degree, understandably intellectualized the struggle of the African American in America. They have been moved to hear my first hand experiences of being followed in stores by security as a potential shoplifter, or coming home to find racial epithets spray painted on the walls inside my house.

For being only seventeen years old, my life has proved fairly challenging. I live with my mother and younger sister. My father has refused to be a part of our lives since my parents divorced when I was four. My sister lost her hearing when she was a baby and because of this I have a more sensitive perspective concerning those who are physically challenged and I have become a fairly proficient signer. My personal and family situation has contributed to molding my character. They have made me stronger, more sensitive, mature and independent.

Despite my time commitment to academics and the need to meet family responsibilities, I have always made time to pursue extracurricular activities. My passion is politics. I love to debate. Being a participant in the California Youth and Government program has enabled me to debate in the actual California State Assembly Chambers in Sacramento. As President of the south Berkeley YMCA Youth and government Delegation I learned how to bring a group of my peers to consensus. As one or two youth members on the California Youth and Government State Governing Board I have been successful lobbying the student opinion to a room filled with adults. As an intern for State Assemblyman Tom Bates I learned to listen to the voice of the community. As Campaign Manager for a candidate who just ran for the Berkeley School Board, I have been exposed to the politics of politics first hand: hammering in lawn sign, lining up endorsements and strategizing on how to reach the largest number of voters. I am very proud that I have been able to participate in these activities and take on leadership roles.

I believe that my life thus far demonstrates my inclination to improve a situation, to leave a place better than I found it, and to speak up and speak out for issues in which I believe. I have the character and commitment to do the job well. Ultimately I believe my interests will lead me to a profession in which I will be able to help my community. I am looking forward to the opportunity to attend college, which is a critical aspect in allowing me to attain my goals.

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