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errance Deloach's Confession to the Wayne County Sheriff's Office

Terrance Donell Deloach
910-13 High St. / 604 Hopkins St.
Goldsboro, N.C.
B/M D.O.B. 10/1/73, 24 yoa

photo of terence deloach On Thursday, January 29, 1998, Det. Sgts. B.D. Braswell and J.K. Best, Investigators with the Wayne County Sheriff's Office interviewed Terrance Donnell Deloach at the Wayne County Sheriff's Office.

Terrance Donell Deloach stated as follows: that he was the individual responsible for the armed robbery and shooting of the woman at the finance company out from Goldsboro. Deloach related that he was with Keith Riddick, his cousin, and Kendrick Henderson (nickname Bo) when the robbery occurred. Deloach said that he was from Brooklyn, New York. That he and Keith Riddick was raised by the same woman. Deloach stated that his mother died when he was six years old and Riddick's grandmother raised him and Riddick.

Deloach related that he came to Goldsboro by the request of Riddick. Deloach stated Riddick had also told him of a robbery he and Henderson had done in Goldsboro to a pager company. Deloach stated that Riddick had earlier told him about he and Henderson planning the robbery earlier; however, the other ones got scared and backed out. Deloach related that on the day of the robbery he was at his girlfriend's residence located at 910-B Hugh Streeet in Goldsboro. Deloach stated he had been smoking marijuana and drinking liquor before Riddick's arrival. Deloach stated that Riddick told him to go with him that they were going to another location to smoke more marijuana. Deloach said that once they were in the vehicle Riddick told him they were going to pick Bo (Kendrick Henderson) up at his residence and go rob the finance company.

Deloach was informed by Riddick that his girlfriend (Riddick's) Sabrina had already been to the company earlier in the day to check and see if they had cameras. Deloach said that Riddick told him that Sabrina had gone to the place earlier acting like she was trying to get a[line garbled] vehicle a blue or greenish Honda type. Deloach related that Riddick had already got the gun and hospital surgical gloves for them to wear. When they had picked Bo (Henderson) up at his residence in Seven Springs they went to go do the robbery. Deloach stated that Riddick was driving, he was in the front seat and Bo was in the back seat. Deloach stated that Bo gave him the gun before they went in. It was a .38 caliber revolver. Deloach stated it was an old rusty gun.

Deloach stated it was about 4:30 or 5:00 he thinks. Deloach related that Bo was the one that was taping the people up. Deloach also said that Bo began having trouble taping the people because the tape was sticking to his gloves so he took his gloves off. Deloach stated that Riddick is the one that got the money. Deloach stated that Bo (Henderson) and Riddick had masks on their face and hoodies on their head. Deloach stated he was the only one not wearing a mask. Deloach stated he was wearing a tobogan, grey in color with some type of emblem on it. He said he was also wearing a red scarf around his neck, but didn't have it pulled around his face. Deloach related he was the only one that had a gun. That when he went in he didn't have any intentions of hurting or shooting anyone. Deloach stated he was hyped up due to the marijuana he had been smoking and the liquor he had been drinking. Deloach stated that the first time the gun went off he was looking at Bo (Henderson). Deloach stated he didn't even realize he had shot the woman until he looked down. Deloach stated he was in a daze after this and is unsure of exactly what happened after this. Deloach stated he knows he fired the gun at the woman again but does not know why he did it. Deloach stated it must have been the drugs in him.

Deloach stated they left and drove back to Goldsboro going to his girlfriend's house on Hugh Street. No one was at home. Deloach related that in about five minutes they left and the three of them went to Sabrina's trailer at Maramar. Deloach stated that the money, gloves, and gun was put into a green book bag that Riddick was carrying. Deloach stated once they arrived at Sabrina's house the money was counted and divided. Deloach stated he thinks that about nine hundred dollars is what they got. Sabrina got one hundred fifty dollars for going and checking the place out and for the use of her car.

Deloach stated he is telling this now because he didn't want a innocent man going to prison. Deloach further stated he is sorry for what he done and he hates what he did to the woman, that he never meant to hurt her.


Terrance Deloach

Det. Sgt. B. D. Braswell
Det. Sgt. Jerry K. Best

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