• One of the most complete overviews of Russia's nuclear complex and the associated proliferation risks, Avoiding Nuclear Anarchy by Graham T. Allison, Owen R. Cote, Jr., Richard A. Falkenrath, and Steven E. Miller, published in 1996 by the MIT Press, paints a distressing picture of the risks to U.S. interests that exist as a result of the danger of nuclear leakage. A section from the book--"A Primer on Nuclear Materials and Nuclear Weapons Design"--is available on this website. An overview of the entire book and the chance to order it is available at the MIT press website.

  • GAO report on Nuclear Nonproliferation, March 1996
    This report contains extensive information on the status of Lab-to-Lab and Government-to-Government projects in the Former Soviet Union. It provides an overview of the Materials Accounting and Control Programs and outlines some of the uncertainties facing the programs.

  • International Atomic Energy Agency
    This site contains a full listing of the over 1000 sites which are monitored by the IAEA. The "products" section contains a wide array of information, including text from the IAEA Bulletin, the agency's quarterly journal that covers nuclear and proliferation issues. The IAEA Daily Press Review contains over a year of daily summaries of nuclear-related stories which have appeared in the world press, including coverage related to illicit trafficking of nuclear materials. The site also maintains a database of the technical characteristics of nuclear power plants around the world and several bibliographic databases useful to the nuclear researcher.

  • The Center for Nonproliferation Studies at the Monterey Institute of International Studies was created to "confront the serious threat of international proliferation of nuclear, missile, biological, chemical, and advanced conventional weapons." Led by Dr. William Potter, the institute maintains a comprehensive database on activities related to proliferation, including a list of all reported cases of illicit trafficking in nuclear and radioactive materials in the CIS. Although this database is only available to subscribers, materials such as Dr. Potter's testimony before the Senate on his study of nuclear leakage from the post-Soviet states are available on-line. Other publications can be ordered from the website. The institute's guide to non-proliferation research on the web provides valuable guidance to anyone wishing to pursue these issues further through the internet.

  • The Monitor is published quarterly by the Center for International Trade and Security at the University of Georgia to cover issues relating to nonproliferation, demilitarization and arms control. In addition to a wide variety of original material, the issues often include translated reprints from Yaderny Control so this is a good place to turn if you have trouble reading Russian text. Of particular interest, the Summer 1996 issue contains selected documents from G-8 Summit on Nuclear Safety and Security, held in Moscow from April 18-20, 1996.

  • Bellona
    The Bellona Foundation is a Norwegian environmental organization active in documenting the conditions of Russia's Northern Fleet. Several working papers are available on their site, including reports on Russia's reprocessing plants at Chelyabinsk, Tomsk, and Krasnoyarsk in Siberia and one on the condition of Zapandnaya Litsa, which includes a discussion of Andreeva Bay, where 1.8 kg of highly-enriched uranium was stolen in the summer of 1993. These reports contain numerous maps and photographs and extensive references.

  • Cooperative Monitoring Center, Sandia National Laboratories
    This Center is sponsored by the International and Regional Security Division within the Office of Arms Control and Nonproliferation at the U.S. Department of Energy with the goal of developing and implementing nonproliferation and security measures for sites around the world. This web page contains a number of newspaper and television "clippings" about the activities of the CMC. Fact-sheets contain detailed information on many safeguards strategies, many of which have been introduced to Russian nuclear sites through the Lab-to-Lab and Government-to-Government programs.

  • International Security Network
    This page bills itself as a one-stop information network for security and defense studies and has a comprehensive collection of links to sites related to these areas.


  • Nonproliferation and International Security Division (NIS), Los Alamos National Laboratory
    NIS's stated mission is "to develop and apply preeminent science and technology to deter, detect, and respond to proliferation and to ensure U.S. and global security." Their web site includes reports on various research projects, updates on the U.S. Russian Lab-to-Lab program and other recent publications.

  • International Nuclear Safety Center Database, Department of Energy
    Focusing on safety analysis and risk evaluation of nuclear power plants, the site is currently focusing on Soviet-designed nuclear plants in Russia and Eastern Europe. It doesn't specifically focus on non-proliferation issues, but it does contain a wealth of technical information on nuclear materials and maps showing the location of nuclear reactors around the world.

  • Office of Fissile Materials Disposition,U.S. Department of Energy
    Contains information about the disposition of U.S. stockpiles of U.S. fissile materials and on U.S. work with Russia on managing surplus fissile materials there.


  • Ministry of Atomic Energy of the Russian Federation [English version]
    Minatom, one of the largest employers in Russia, has a home page which contains a short history of the Russian nuclear industry and information about the research and other projects that the ministry is currently carrying out.

  • Kurchatov Institute, Moscow [English version]
    The Kurchatov Institute, located in Moscow, is Russia's premier nuclear research facility.Its web site includes a brief history, a statement from the President, and descriptions of current directions in research and development.

  • Chelyabinsk-70 [available in English and Russian]
    Information about this formerly secret city and the Russian Federal Nuclear Center located there can be obtained from this site. This city was once a center of design work for the Soviet nuclear weapons effort. A detailed map of the city is available, as well as a number of images.


  • Extensive Russian-related links

  • Russia on the Net

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