Russia's Nuclear Complex
Scientific Research Institute for Atomic Reactors (Dmitrovgrad) - Also known as the All-Russian Institute of Atomic Reactors (NIIAR).

One fast-breeder reactor; research reactors; fabrication of MOX fuel elements; molten salt reprocessing in large hot cells.

Approximately 350 kg of plutonium is believed to be present.

Weapons-grade uranium
Research reactors fueled with a total of about 77 kgs of 90% HEU.

IAEA safeguards status

There are two vessel-type research reactors at Dmitrovgrad (MIR and SM-2) fueled with 33 kg and 44 kg, respectively, of HEU that is 90% enriched. In addition, there are three pond-type reactors (RBT-10/1, RBT-10/2, and RBT-6), that are fueled with the spent fuel of the SM-2 reactor. Each of these employs between 14 and 24 of HEU enriched to between 50% and 85% U-235, which, while not weapons-grade, may be usable in a nuclear weapon. Dmitorovgrad is also the location of a fast breeder reactor fueled with plutonium.

U.S. and Russian Material Protection Control & Accountability experts are upgrading physical protection systems at several key sites at Dmitrovgrad. These upgrades are expected to be completed by the end of 1996. U.S. and Russian negotiators have also discussed improvements to additional facilities at Dmitrovgrad that process HEU and plutonium.

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