a quiz

1. PCBs were banned in the 1970s because of their persistence in the environment and in humans, and their cancer-causing effects in lab animals. Overall, how much have the levels of these banned chemicals in Great Lakes fish changed over the past 10 years?
 1. increased slightly in some areas
 2. decreased dramatically
 3. stayed the same
 4. no longer detectable

2. How long does it take an average breast-feeding baby in the US to receive the maximum recommended life-time dose of dioxin?

 1. 2 years
 2. Rarely happens
 3. 6 months
 4. A lifetime

3. Each day, a breast-feeding baby will receive what proportion of the allowable daily intake of PCBs (set for a 150 lb adult)?

 1. Half the allowable adult intake
 2. Five times the allowable adult intake
 3. The full allowable adult intake
 4. Hardly any PCBs.

4. Which ethnic population is at greatest risk of exposure to PCBs and persistent toxic chemicals?

 1. African Americans living next to toxic waste dumps.
 2. Residents of Mexico City
 3. Taiwanese in Taipei
 4. Inuits in northern Canada

5. What food generally contains the highest levels of PCBs and other persistent toxic chemicals?

 1. Great Lakes fish
 2. Steak
 3. Garden salad
 4. Pizza

6. In Florida, which species of animal suffers from greatly diminished sperm counts and undescended testicals?

 1. Rats
 2. Deer
 3. Muscrats
 4. Panthers

7. Seveso, Italy, was the site of a huge industrial fire in 1976 that spewed large amounts of dioxin into the environment. For babies born within eight years of the explosion, what was the ratio of boys to girls?

 1. Nearly twice as many girls as boys
 2. Nearly twice as many boys as girls
 3. An equal number of boys and girls
 4. No children were born

8. Which of the following substances contains an estrogen-mimicking chemical that can fool your body into thinking it is the natural hormone?

 1. Polycarbonate plastics
 2. Carrots
 3. Red Wine
 4. All of the above

9. Which of these animals contain such high levels of PCBs that they qualify as hazardous waste when they die?

 1. Beluga whales in the St. Lawrence River
 2. Alligators in Florida
 3. Deformed frogs in Minnesota
 4. Mink in the Great Lakes

10. Which of the following is NOT a source of dioxin?

 1. Paper Mills
 2. Volcanic Eruptions
 3. Hair spray
 4. Waste Incinerators


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