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Carlos Hank Rohn Gonzales is the son of Carlos Hank Gonzalez and manager of the family business empire. After Raul Salinas was rejected as a client by Chase Manhattan Bank, Carlos Hank introduced Raul to Citibank representative Amy Elliot, who opened accounts for Raul in the private banking division. U.S. investigators are looking into the role of American banks in moving Raul's millions out of Mexico.

Carlos Hank was one of thirty of the richest men in Mexico who attended 'the billionaire's banquet' (2/93) at which Carlos Salinas asked each guest to contribute $25 million for the upcoming presidential campaign.

As of autumn 2000, Carlos Hank Rohn is being investigated for money laundering and many suspect he has links to the Tijuana-based drug cartel,the Arellano Felix Organization (AFO).

  • "The Hank Family of Mexico"- Read a background report and view video of an interview conducted with Carlos Hank in 2000 by Lowell Bergman. More current information on Carlos Hank Rhon is available elsewhere on the Web.

Carlos Hank's younger brother Jorge Hank Rohn Gonzales is known as "the Gambling King of Northern Mexico." Many suspect he also has ties to the AFO. Jorge Hank also is under investigation by U.S. agencies for money laundering.

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