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mexican news

Documents on Mexican Politics
A storehouse of substantive articles on current political and economic issues. Intended as an archive for academics and scholarly research, this site ranges from writings on democracy, freedom of the press, NAFTA, foreign banks - to political party documents and opinion pieces by scholars and experts on Mexico It also includes: urls for Mexican newspapers; maps; and some interesting threads from www discussion groups dealing with Mexican issues.

Zapatista Front of National Liberation
This comprehensive site about the EZLN is not an official publication of the Front, but it has become a network for Zapatista activists in and out of Mexico seeking political/economic change in Mexico. It offers the communiques of the EZLN and lot's of background information, updates and links to like-minded groups. Articles/information are in English or, in Spanish

United States-Mexican Relations
The State Department's home page offers official documents - such as reports on Mexico's debt repayment - as well as background briefings on Mexico's people, history, economy, and, travel and business information, and more.

Mexico's Index: Salinas Page
This is the largest index specialized on links to Mexico. This site has a "web map" that provides information on all aspects of life in Mexico, and links to the major Mexican organizations on the internet. There is an extensive archive of articles on politics, finance, agri-business, history, and a whole page of articles on Carlos Salinas

World Policy Organization
In the Mexico section of this site you'll find a collection of articles on Mexican politics, narco-corruption and Mexico-U.S. policy issues by Andrew Reding.

The web pages of Reforma - one of Mexico's largest newspapers - is a good resource for the latest news, as well as archived articles. In Spanish only. Note: To access this information a paid subscription to Reforma is required.

Universal Journal:
One of Mexico's major newspapers provides national and international news, with all major news stories available in English translation and Mexican/Latin American news in Spanish.

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