little criminals

Exploring troubled kids on the WWW
The Juvenile Justice Home Page
A top-notch starting point for information about at-risk children and juvenile justice. Its homepage features a link to Edward Humes' book about a year in the life of a L.A. Juvenile Court and the kids who pass through it. There are also excellent links to juvenile justice reports, stats, articles and surveys. And, some good links for parents, families and kids seeking help and counseling.

Prepared by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, this section called "Understanding Violent Behavior in Children and Adolescents" gives information on signs of trouble with a child. It includes advice on when to seek help and how to prevent a troubled child from getting worse.

Oregon Social Learning Center
This nationally recognized research center focuses on exploring what parenting methods are effective for raising well-adjusted children. The "Therapy Resources" section describes the books OSLC has for family interventionists. This site also offers information on current projects including foster care, fathers, studies on couples, divorce, prevention for at-risk adolescents, and much more.

Crime TimeBomb
This 1996 US News & World Report cover story on juvenile crime examines rising juvenile crime and the debate over tougher laws and preventive measures. It's a good overview with well-designed charts on the statistics, and information on state and national efforts and, the conflicting attitudes about juvenile justice.

Eight students at the Graduate School of Journalism, University of California, Berkeley produced this well-designed web site profiling young people surviving childhood in a world of violence. The class had examined the juvenile justice issues surrounding the 1996 Richmond, California case of a 6-year-old boy who nearly beat to death a neighbor's infant.

Children Now
This child advocacy organization offers information for parents on how to prevent violence.

Parents Place
Though this site doesn't focus on troubled, violent children it carries listings of resources for parents dealing with a range of family and parenting problems. Its "Fathers Page" for example, covers single parents' issues and offers resources specially suited for fathers. This site also offers chat rooms for parents and readings including, "15 Ways Fathers Can Nurture Nonviolent Sons."

The Beat Within
It's worth exploring this weekly newsletter of writing and art by kids in San Francisco's Juvenile Hall. Their thoughts and stories are compelling, often haunting. It's something for other kids to read and even for parents to share with their own children.

KIDS CAMPAIGNS "Whose Side Are You On?"
This child advocacy group offers a range of articles on "How Can We Prevent Violence By and Against Kids"

National Resources for Help Or Information
Here are national hotlines and organizations' lists of resources for families in crisis.

Juvenile Court Statistics
A compilation from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention which offers the most recent statistics on juvenile crime. One stat on the list: juvenile offense cases "against persons' has increased 93% since 1985.

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