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I'm a veteran and I gotta tell you, you don't deflate a tyrant by scratching his belly or filling his pockets. You gain his respect by scaring him to death or cutting off his head.

These are evil driven people who understand only this means of life. We cannot use intelligence to get to them. They will only turn around to manipulate us. Name a dictator who didn't break every promise they ever made. Thats how they got power in the first place. wake up!!!!The Bush admistration has finally got it right.

Dave Stewart
hope, mi


It was excellent piece of work by Frontline Journalists.

North Korea is not United States of America problem today.

We can wait till 2008. Diplomacy is a good thing to practice under such circumstances.

Life is very big and long. It is not good to solve all problems in one year.

South Korea and Japan should take care till 2008. They should be engaged with North Korea. Those countries will be affected most in coming years, decades, and centuries.

Geography is there, people is there. They will be there long time after we are gone from this planet.

Just relax and have a some wine.

Sam Rupani
houston, texas


I don't believe in war, its a no-win situation. People die..we are all loved by someone. I've been sitting on the fence like some others, outraged by George Bush's actions, but never speaking up except in conversations with my work associates and sometimes with friends. Yes, I was appalled by 9/11 and had a delayed reaction, but while I was said and angry, I was not afraid. Now our President has my attention and I am afraid.

After watching Frontline and the opinions offered, it is apparent to me Mr. Bush wants see more of our young people dead, he wants to wage war against North Korea. I think he has lost his mind...that he and his cabinet don't feel North Korea is a threat. This is the smug arrogant response offered by the state department official intereviewed in the program. Threat of a nuclear bomb attack is nothing to smug about.

I watched the Foreign Relations committee meetings on, I believe, C-SPAN and I just knew after the testimony of a past-Ambassador and other experts that he would meet with Kim do undo the damage. As stated by one of the interviewees, we only have months not years to stop the death and pain which seems very likely to occur.

I don't understand. Is he waiting for North Korea to attack the United States so that he can justify attacking North Korea. If so why not have bilateral meetings with Kim...we have nothing to lose. Yes, we are a powerful if not the most powerful country on the planet. North Korea and every other nation knows that we are, what is there to prove? Is he willing to risk the lives more young men and women? What about the lives of civilians...what about my family? Is the violence of war the only language he understands? Does he understand what war does? It not only kills people, it kills their spirit and if he doesn't believe that look at all of the Vietnam vets who are drug dependent or in the mental hospitals or in the streets acting out the schzoid memories of horrors and experiences they can bear to recall or discuss.

Haven't enough of our armed forces been maimed or killed in Afghanistan and now in Iraq. And why the hell are we in Irag killing innocent women and children just to get to Saddam? Weren't there covert operations to do this? We used covert operations to get Marcos out of the Phillipines. We were not attacked by Iraq or Saddam in the name of Iraq. Why is war the only answer for George Bush? God help us.

Someone raised the issue of impeachment...can we do that before his arrogance and indifference causes WWIII?

newark, nj


FRONTLINE was very informative about the possible danger we're (United States) facing from North Korea! The only thing these dictators understand, especially communist regimes, is overwhelming military strength. The thought of being blown off the face of the earth is very sobering! I'm disappointed at the lack of balanced journalism from P.B.S.! You should have included the interview with the defector from North Korea in tonight's broadcast.

Frank Hammond
memphis, tennessee

FRONTLINE's editors respond:
The transcript the Mr. Hammond is referring to is available here on the web site.


I would like to ask why, in the entire documentary, the only label assigned to any of the commentators was the label of "conservative" to Richard Perle. True, Richard Perle may be a conservative, but I cannot help but wonder why Frontline did not apply the "liberal" label to any of the commentators on the program. I am not advocating a particular point of view, but merely commentating on a perceived inequity in Frontline's reporting.


Joseph B. Nuzzolo

Joseph Nuzzolo
new york, ny


The United States should definitely hold talks with North Korea. It makes no sense to maintain a stubborn attitude with such a dangereous and life-threatening situation. This is not some sporting event where opponents play games trying to outwit one another. My family and I are frightened by what seems to be a stupid game where this country could be in trouble.

If the President claims he is interested in doing whatever it takes to protect the people in this country, why is he playing this dumb game?

Arthur White
new york, ny


we have written to our congressmen and our senators time and time again... about many issues that president Bush has stirred up around the world. we are worried that even those that are elected to these positions are not listened to and so we as citizens are not heard.

this is terrifying to us. we are run of the mill middle class americans who care about our country and we care about the world around us. we have friends in Argentina who are frightened they will be next on the list to be hit by american tanks ect.. its awful to know that our country is having this effect on the world. we are an educated family we have lived through many crisis as a family because we have raised a daughter with autism,and retardation and we have had heart conditions, as well as cancer so we have learned a lot about life. but we feel troubled there seems to be no way to stop this attitude problem the President and his men have. we see danger ahead just as frontline spoke of tonight...

n. little rock, arkansans


President Bush and his administration have made the world a far more dangerous place than it needs to be.

The fact is this administration has no interest in diplomacy. We witnessed this with the charade at the U.N. regarding Iraq, and we see this with North Korea. Diplomacy and fundamentalism don't mix, and Mr. Bush is the most dangerous fundamentalist on the planet. He has appointed himself as leader of a holy war on evil. If only the world was that simple. I suppose in his mind it is.

I very much fear for the world we live in, when our leaders would go to war before sitting down at a table, simply because they feel it is appeasement.

Andrew Haworth
new york, ny


Tonightís Frontline is yet another example of PBS being a mouthpiece of the DLC. I've seen commercial driers with less spin than your concept of journalism. But please don't let me slow down your propaganda machine. It is bogus spin like this that keeps people like me choosing your president. May our constitution protect us from the PBS idea of the truth.

Stewart Evers
nashville, tn


Keep the Chinese on our side. No. Korea may have 1 million on the DMZ but the Chinese have 2 billion right across the border.

pt. pleasant, nj


You liberals are unbelievable. Clinton and company give North Korea the ability to make nukes with a promise that they won't. And of course we can trust them, communists never lie, right? You people live in fantasy land.

And then you have the nerve to make it look like it's Bush's fault because he "broke off" talks. How dumb do you think we are out here? Diplomatic relations is what keeps the communists honest? Have you learned anything from history?

I take comfort in the thought that most viewers will see right through your liberal agenda.

Jeff Brueggemann
tulsa, ok


It seems that the neocons, such as Perle, Kristol, etc. believe that might makes right and have no moral problems about the possiblitty, and reality iin Iraq, of tens of thousands of casualties because we, as a nation, refuse to discuss. The Zionist neocons appease Sharon. This administration should be impeached.

Susan Braider
red hook, ny


The situation in northern Korea is quickly becoming more than a little scary. It appears that we(America) have found ourselves in a very tricky situation. How do you deal with a paranoid mad man? How does one approach a man without reason? I for one would hate to get caught up in the paranoid delusions of the Korean leaders plan for a pre-emptive stike on America. But... America must defend herself at all cost! Is there something that this man wants from us besides our destruction?

indpls., in.

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