son of al qaeda
photos of aburahman khadr and prisoners behind barbed wire
join the discussion: What do you take away from this story of  Abdurahman Khadr -  a  terrorist trainee turned CIA informant?


This episode left me seething with anger.

We Canadians have welcomed hundreds of thousands of immigrants and refugees from varying circumstances with open arms. The majority of them are quite happy to enjoy Canada's freedoms and econmic prosperity.

But this young man's family deserves to be shown the door.

Joel Coates

FRONTLINE's editors respond:

For more on the reaction in Canada after Abdurahman's mother and b rother returned there recently to seek medical help, read a selection of editorials and opinion pieces from Canadian newspapers.


this program was a perfect movie script

i dont think this young guy has any idea of what it takes to be and a cia agent but if he knew what he was getting into the first thing will be to secure his money because that is the only reason he did it. i hope yuo sell this scrip to a movie studio it will make a great film.

jesse gasca
las vegas , nevada


Abdurachman's courage is an inspirational example of the strength of the Human spirit against all odds. I hope his courage can help people to think beyond the confines of perception, whether it be Jihad or Crusade, and see they do have a choice.

Abdurachman's honesty is not against his family, his culture, his religion or even the CIA-- it is about and for Humanity.

I hope that others embroiled in any such crisis of consciousness will be inspired by this brave soul and see the way to choose peace over hatred.

Thanks Frontline for getting Abdurachman Kadhr's story in its purity before Hollywood got a hold of it--and him.

D Anders
San Diego, CA


Thank you so much for doing this program on this young man, his family, and his journey. I am appauled that the CIA did not keep their agreement--what idiots!!! Here we are in a position to need more bright young men like him work for us and we don't even keep our word. At a time when we need to be trusted by Muslims, we don't keep our word to those who help us. We should be ashamed! I hope Frontline paid him for your story and I hope some courageous business owner will hire him to work for his/her here in the US. We need to do what we can to let him know how much we appreciate his stand against murder.

Peggy Kirkendall


After watching this show, I was very disappointed that the journalists seemed to have the trust and access to people that could share what this hatred in the Muslim World is all about and they didn't take the opportunity to give people a chance to share that with us all. There was just a hint given when the mother spoke of being a palestinian and knowing of the way Isreal treats the people of Palestine. Yet it seems that is not what the American people want to hear.

America needs to wake up and realize that the world is made up of many different people from many different lifestyles. But that doesn't make them inferior. They are just people trying to live their lives with the same kind of pride, dignity and desire for self determination that we cherish here so much.

Eleyette Worth


Everyone knows that polygraph tests are bogus. See TREMOR IN THE BLOOD -- and consider a FRONTLINE about polygraphs. Nonetheless, I am completely astounded at this young man's courage. I sure hope something is being done to protect this man. Please, tell me he is safe.

Such a contrast to the life of the Marin County boy who joined the Taliban!

Gina Wolfe
Cambria, CA


Great Job on another moving documentary. As a people, we need more information about the people and the cultures that foster hatred against us.

Perhaps, if we can understand these people we can find ways to overcome misinformation and misunderstandings.

Brad Bowen
Farmington, Utah


Mr Khadr's most telling point, as far as his values go, was his disgust for the killing of innocent people in the 1998 Afgan training camp attack, and then his disgust also for the killing of innocent people in the 9/11 attack.

This is an American value and a Muslim value as well, and the point where these two worlds can reunite in harmony, and end the war in Gaza and the West Bank, and the war of terror, for our children.

If the vast majority of Americans and Muslims who hold this basic value, reunite in the family of humanity, and stand as one against all killing of innocent people, they will become the vast mainstream, who will win the day.

I have heard bin Laden himself uphold this basic value of not killing innocent people. Someone needs to tell him that he needs to acknowledge this basic value, and direct all his efforts towards the civil end to these wars, for his family, on this one basic point. Then, we may achieve peace on earth, for all our families, where now there seems to be little hope.

Woody Long


The clearest message I got from the whole interview with this young man is how the CIA has botched yet another opportunity to increase U.S. security. Mishandling possible sources of information seems to be a hallmark of an agency outmoded since the Cold War.

Karen Trester


Afghanistan is a land the size of Texas, with a population of over 20 million and an average life expectance of less than 50.

It has no railroads whatsoever, few good roads except those we have repaired and built, abundant landmines, and an economy that would be half drug/poppy-based if the Afghan government and U.S. did not step in.

It is a warlord-controlled country where President Karzai is often referred to as the Major of Kabul because his control outside of Kabul is questionable at best.

That being said, Afghanistan is better off now because of U.S. intervention than it would have been without it...still under oppressive Taliban control and still harboring/training terrorists. With all the negative talk about Iraq and President Bush, it is conveniently ignored that Bush showed enormous courage attacking in landlocked Afghanistan to suppress terror, despite the knowledge that the mighty Russian Army spent 10 years fighting a losing battle against Afghan mujahedeen.

This young man was a rebel who refused to be subdued by the Muslim propaganda machine that afflicts so many in that region of the world. If only Canada had showed the same courage as this young man.

Cole Milstead
Ozark, AL


A heart wrenching story. What happens now to the young man featured in it? Will he, has he been left high and dry by the CIA? Will the CIA ever pay what they promised him? Will the Fronline producers leave him high and dry? Will his own family continue to reject him? He needs friends badly. He needs a place to go. After all the indignities he has been put through, by the CIA under the guise of keeping him from being found out, can he overcome the insults, deprivations, indignities? Will he ever be able to live a normal life, not wondering if someone will kill him? Now that he has gone "public" and allowed Frontline to expose him, what is next?

After reading the editorials from the Canadian Press, I empathise with the Canadian authorities over what is right regarding the permitting of Ms. Khadr'return, taking advantage of her Canadian citizenship, to gain medical help, in Canada, for her son. It is not difficult to understand Canadians' outrage that this woman should be allowed to take advantage of her Canadian citienship after having rejected life in Canada so many years ago. The Canadian authorities should ask her why she now values what Canada offers. Then, the Canadian authorities should ask her why they should honor her position as she still talks hate toward western cultures. Would she be willing to look into her inner self, asking why she should go on hating?

Dana Allison
Mapleton,, Maine


The CIA needs to really stop the elistist attitude and get in the trenches and recruit some real spies. People who will work for opium and the like. Our troops are getting killed in Iraq and we are too worried are details. This guy could have been a suicide bomber and the CIA was inconsistant with cooperating with him. They could have really milked this guy but they chose to role the dice. They lost him.

Omid Townsend
Orlando, FL


How can any self-respecting Canadian condone, moreover permit, Maha Elsamnah Khadr and her 14-year-old son Abdul Karim to enter Canada. She should have been detained at the airport, stripped of her Canadian citizenship and deported back to her Al Qaeda mosques, where her hatred of the West is spewed amidst the disguise of her religion.

We cannot permit abuse of our freedom in the 21st Century – do not forget the lessons of World War II. Maha Elsamnah Khadr and her ilk despise you for your naiveté, kindness, compassion, love of freedom and all that we cherish and fight for.

Grow up now Canada – your adolescence is over.

Jonathan Marks
New York, N.Y


It seems to me that the US (CIA), needs to take a hard look at the people in Canada who ostracized Khadr for what he did for the US. It's a good place to start....

Lon Lowenthal


What I mainly took away was a better conceptualization of the life of these "expatriates" in Kabul--you begin to see the layers of experiences and perceptions, over the years, that built to the terrible situation that we now have. I also felt a tremendous sense of waste of lives, both in terms of deaths, but of productive lifes and futures at best compromised and at worst lost.

The women especially struck me, on one had "normal" caring about family, very articulate, etc, on the other, they have no sense of connection to so many of us. There is so much bitterness and anger. And they are so wrong.

So much of their thinking and reality is defined by a context of bad mistakes, patterns of violence, of wrongness that we as a world keep on reproducing--the powerful by doing it and the rest of us by not doing enough to stop them.

This has got to be resolved before there is no earth left. And no future for our children.

Christine George



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posted april 22, 2004

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