son of al qaeda
photos of aburahman khadr and prisoners behind barbed wire
join the discussion: What do you take away from this story of  Abdurahman Khadr -  a  terrorist trainee turned CIA informant?


To bring you up to date: the Khadr family has presented something of a dilemna here in Toronto because the son is only 14 and paralyzed and yet people are outraged by the family's behaviour. A Canadian psychologist has come up with a clever solution, lodging an official complaint with the Children's Aid on the grounds that teaching children to be suicide bombers must surely constitute abuse and neglect. The solution may seem bizarre, but then so is the problem. It seems to me that dealing with the family through Children's Aid reasserts Canadian (or American) values about the proper role and value of children.

J Walker
Toronto, ON Canada

FRONTLINE's editors respond:

For more on the reaction in Canada read a selection of editorials and opinion pieces from Canadian newspapers.


I would like for Mr. Khadr to know that I want to express my sympathy for his difficulties. I felt tears. I think I would have had many of his reactions in the same situations. The world will go on dividing people so unnecessarily until believers of all kinds come to appreciate that all are searching to know the same one God and come to respect each other. None of us know God perfectly, and we must admit that and become sincere and not unfair to others. All Muslims, Christians, and Jews -- and everybody else for that matter -- pray to the same God. What a headache from God's point of view to hear people praying against each other. God is a being of true love and wisdom who is hoping for the world to return to only goodness for everybody. I hope that Mr. Khadr will have a fine future, a good life of values and a good family of his own.

Lynn Criner


After watching your show this evening, I firmly believe that this Mr. Rahman is a complete liar. As a real Canadian, I am even more disgusted with the Canadian Immigration System for letting such an esteemed person with a shinning background into our country. What is even more highly insulting as a Canadian, is the fact that his additional family members, with questionable pasts, come back to Canada for Medical Treatment...Probably paid for by my tax dollars. I find it absolutely disheartening that many educated individuals, many I know personally, are turned down for Canadian Citizenship when the multitudes of these questionable persons gain admittance, absolutely untrained for any purpose whatsoever to contribute positively to an industrialized nation. with their eleven children...
When is Canada going to wake up...soon this country will be littered with Mosques and 5 times a day I will be subjected to that repugnant call to prayer, similarly to that of newly entered legislation in Michigan.

Jeremy Valentine
Halifax, NS


Such a moving documentary,I am inspired by the young guy the way he turned down and stood up against those who wanted him to go against his own desires on a wrong way both by al-Qaeda and America.I hope and wish that he will have a very normal life away from the hypocrites.

I like this documentary because it is balanced,doing complete justice with both sides,showing the views of moderate Muslims,those who feel hurt by American policies,those who are hate American,and Americans who have the wrong policies,forcing other people (especially Muslims) to hate them.I think the correspondent of the documentary had done a greater job,successfully attempting to change people's behavior towards many things.

Good Job man...Keep the good work coming...and I really mean it..I am gonna love it.

Mahrukh Yousaf


I thoroughly enjoyed your program titled "Son of an Al Qaeda." I believe that Adbdurahman is incredibly brave and his story is amazing. He risked losing his family and where he came from to trust the United States CIA. The way the CIA treated him was unfair. He worked hard for them and risked his life, yet they did not pay him as they promised. They should have been grateful. His story is amazing and I pray that he is doing well and I pray that his family will reconcile with him.

Meghan Morrison
Chattanooga, TN


I found it very saddening and frightning how his mother tried to justify the bombings as some sort of pan-Arab or pan-Muslim defense. These people are sick and brainwashed and will cause more damage to Muslims than a hundred daisy cutters or a thousand Ariel Sharons. After watching this I am glad Pakistan has captured or killed over 600 Al-qaida members including, quite frankly, his father.

That having said, this poor guy made a good choice and I hope his life is better from now on.I hope he is able to convince his mother and sister of the foolishness of their thoughts.

Aamir Ali
Peshawar, Pakistan


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posted april 22, 2004

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