Map of Edenton, North Carolina
The town of Edenton is a small, rural community nestled on Albemarle Sound. Its population is approximately 6,000. Edenton was settled in the late 17th century and once was the unofficial state capital. Filled with historic markers and lovely colonial homes, it is a tightly-knit community, made up of families who have known each other all of their lives and whose grandparents knew each other.

This map shows various locations related to the Little Rascals Day Care case:

  1. Location of "new" Little Rascals daycare center, where most of the abuse allegedly occurred.
  2. Home of a child involved in the case.
  3. Home of a friend of Betsy Kelly, who had a son at daycare that was involved in the slapping incident (see summary).
  4. Video store owned by defendant Scott Privott.
  5. Location of "old" Little Rascals daycare (prior to 1988)
  6. Home of Bob's former lawyer - whose child was involved in the case.
  7. Home of a child involved in the case.
  8. Home of a child involved in the case.
  9. Location of realty store and jewelry store where children said they were taken by Bob Kelly.
  10. Edenton waterfront. Some of the children said they were taken to boats there.
  11. Edenton marina. Some of the children said they were taken to boats there.
  12. Home of Nancy Smith (Betsy Kelly's sister).
Edenton Map
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