the lost children of rockdale county
interview with the producers

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You'll need RealPlayer G2 to view these videoclips. The interview with FRONTLINE producers Rachel Dretzin Goodman and Barak Goodman is organized into the following three sections:

Community Leaders: State Health Officials: Parents:
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Conyers, Georgia is a suburb not unlike countless others across the country. What can it teach us about the way our kids are growing up today?

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Early in 1999, FRONTLINE's producers came to Rockdale County, Georgia to explore what had led to an outbreak of syphilis among some area teenagers in 1996. They were unknowns, outsiders. How did they find their subjects? And how did they focus the story?

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Months into FRONTLINE's exploration of teen life in Rockdale County, a boy at one of the local high schools opened fire on his classmates. How did this affect the teens FRONTLINE's producers had come to know? What connections can be drawn between the school shooting and the story FRONTLINE had been following?


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