the lost children of rockdale county

Talking With Kids About Tough Issues
The Kaiser Family Foundation and Children Now have launched a national campaign to encourage and give parents tools to talk to their kids early and often about tough issues like sex, drugs, alcohol, AIDS and violence Their site offers a checklist of "10 Tips for Talking With Your Kids About Tough Issues." In addition, each of the five Tough Issues offers a substantive list of advice for parents. (The Kaiser Family Foundation is a national independent health care philanthropy and Children Now is a non-partisan voice for America's children.)

The National Parenting Center
This site collects many short articles written by child-rearing experts designed to help parents. Type in 'teenager' or 'adolescent' in the search area to find articles listed under individual categories such as: "Talking About Sex," "Keeping the Lines of Communication Open," "Tips on Communicating with Teens and Adolescents," "Privacy, Stress and Setting Limits," "Dealing with Divorce," and "High School and Beyond."

The National Campaign Against Teen Pregnancy
This organization's goal is to prevent teen pregnancy by supporting values and stimulating actions that are consistent with a pregnancy-free adolescence. The "Tips For" section offers: "Tips for Parents," "Tips for Parents From Teens," "Tips for Teens From Teens," and "Tips to Help Faith Leaders and their Communities Deal with Teen Pregnancy."

Parents' Resource Guide
Here's a list of books and booklets including, "How to Help Your Kids Say 'No' to Sex," "How to Talk to Your Child About Sex," "How To Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk." This material is also part of the Campaign Against Teen Pregnancy site.

A New Survey of Parents and Kids Ages 10-15
This survey found that kids in families who talk openly about sex and relationships are more likely to say they would turn to a parent first if faced with a crisis. Read more details about this interesting survey and examine related charts and graphs which go with it. (The survey was conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation and Children Now.)
This is the site of New York University's Child Study Center. Its staff offers mental health services for children and families, focusing on early diagnosis and intervention. The "Parenting" and "Is My Kid OK?" sections contain advice for parents--for example, how to handle violence, and concerns about a child's friends and friendships. The site also gives a rundown of different parenting styles, and a section on "Matching Parenting Styles/Children's Temperaments."
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