the lost children of rockdale county
demographics of rockdale county
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2002 Projection  76,060
1997 Estimate  7,489
1990 Census  54,091
1980 Census  36,747
Growth 1980-1990  47.20%
2002 Projection  27,689
1997 Estimate  23,911
1990 Census  18,357
1980 Census  1,592
Growth 1980-1990  58.13%
1997 Estimated Population by Race  67,489
White  92.51%
Black  5.83%
Asian & Pacific Islander  1.14%
Other Races  0.52%
Hispanic Origin  1.41%
Occupied Units  19,337
Owner Occupied  75.18%
Renter occupied  24.82%
1990 Average Persons per HH  2.82
1997 Est. Households by Income  23,911
$150,000 or More  6.23%
$100,000 to $149,999  4.92%
$75,000 to $99,999  10.99%
$50.000 to $74,999  26.71%
$35,000 to $49,999  20.43%
$25,000 to $34.999  11.07%
$15,000 to $24.999  10.20%
$5,000 to $15,000  7.38%
Under $5,000  2.09%
1997 Est. Average Household Income  $67,527
1997 Est. Median Household Income  $49,150
1997 Est. Per Capita Income  $24,175
Marital Status  
Single Male  11.48%
Single Female  9.08%
Married  64.16%
Previously Married Male  4.97%
Previously Married Female  10.30%
Households with Children  
Married Couple Family  81.42%
Other Family-Male Head  3.49%
Other Family-Female Head  14.20%
Non Family  0.89%
Population 16+ by Occupation  28,439
Executive and Managerial  13.73%
Professional Specialty  11.32%
Technical Support  3.50%
Sales  13.77%
Administrative Support  8.98%
Service: Private Household  0.14%
Service: Protective  1.91%
Service: Other  6.89%
Farming Forestry & Fishing  1.12%
Precision Production & Craft  14.34%
Machine Operator  6.09%
Trans. and Material Moving  4.69%
Laborers  3.53%
Population 25+ by Education Level  33,497
Elementary (0-8)  6.57%
Some High School (9-11)  15.72%
High School Graduate(12)  33.58%
Some College (13-15)  20.50%
Associates Degree Only  5.51%
Bachelors Degree Only  12.29%
Graduate Degree  5.83%

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