the farmer's wife

general comments


I am a farmers wife from Iowa, and when I watched your progam the 1st time I felt that it was something we could not relate I find we are having almost the same conversations, as we struggle as a smaller family farm raising hogs, corn and beans. You try and look for the best in all situations, and we keep holding on for "6 more months" hoping that all the future predictions will not affect you......We are struggling to stay optimistic.......

Sue Lande
Huxley, Iowa


I am not a farmer. A 53 yr old grandma. But have watched this show twice. Year ago & again this month. I couldn't move from the time it came on. For all reasons.

The family & the love between the man & wife. The struggle, the guts it took to continue.I want to know what the wife is doing now, as far as a job. I know she graduated. How old are the girls? Do they live the same place? I feel like these are close friends. Could I e-mail Juanita? How could Darrell leave the farm to travel? I love country. So the land, animals, soil, and crops touched my heart. I could smell the mud puddles and fresh air, as well as the livestock. Every emotion was in this story. Can't wait till tomorrow for the final segment.

When I was younger I visited my aunt's home who had a dairy farm. I can still smell the farm and see the flies that hung around the doors. Once your heart is attached to the Land, it doesn't leave.God Bless all of you.

Rosemary Rhodes
Avilla, In 46710


The scene of the Buschkoetter's three little girls praying for others still haunts me.
The grace and strength that this family has is truly boundless.
Thank you Frontline.
Thank you Buschkoetters, you are America's true first family.

Emily Zic


Your family's struggle has really touched me. I was up til 3 a.m. watching Part 1 of your story and was completely enthralled.

I too fell deeply in love with a farmer when I was in High School but ended it when I thought I wasn't receiving the attention I deserved.

Now 12 years later, that is the biggest regret of my life. Hold on to your love and all that brought you together in the first place.

I know in my heart God is teaching me a lesson through you.

Lisa Wilt
Tipp City, Ohio


As I watched "The Farmer's Wife" I saw myself and my life unfold. I too was a farmer/rancher in financial trouble, only we never did recover. We lost our family cattle ranch after the government buy out of 2 million dairy cattle and then dumped them onto the beef market. As a beef producer, our family ranch lost
$400,000.00 within 45 days as the market dropped.

I entered college, attended veterinary school, and have now begun a new life in my chosen profession. While I am not farming, I am still involved with the farming community and it's people.

Your show exemplifies the hardships and the dedication of the farming community. This show is a perfect example of the strengths the farming community embodies. It is those same strengths that enabled me to succeed in accomplishing my goals and dreams.

Congratulations in a job well done. Our prayers are with you.

Lee Corbridge, DVM
Sebring, Florida


Your story renewed my faith in the tenacity of the human spirt. From Juanita's courage despite seemingly insurmountable obstacles to Darrell's stubborn unflinching love for both Juanita and farming it touched something deep inside. While we live a very different life I believe we have much in common. Hard work, faith and love ultimately earn success. Good Luck

Neil Swinton
Chestnut Hill, MA


Having driven across the country two or three times in the last ten years we have been saddened to notice the number of farmhouses which are empty or dilapidated as the smaller farms are taken over by bigger ones. Its too bad to think that this way of life is disappearing.

In regard to the film, I thought the photography was particularly beautiful. I found it hard to realize that this was a real story in the sense that you got so close to all those intimate moments without the family members seeming to notice the camera or crew that it was hard for me to accept this fact. It always seemed as though they would have wanted more privacy and that made me think that their actions and words must have been to some extent self-concious.

Overall an excellent film.

Frederick Miller
S. Yarmouth, MA


I have never lived on a farm , but I wanted darrel and juanita to know I respect them and their efforts. They are hard working people who do not give up and what better example for their children and all of us. Today society seems to dwell on the awful and the excuses and wgbh has once again created a situation where we can all pull together and be thankful with our real emotions.

Truth in life makes the most interesting and moving television there is and thanks to all who allowed us to be a part of your very private life. good luck and god bless.

wendy s.


I was deeply moved by this story. I don't think I've been as affected by something since watching "Hoop Dreams." Juanita Buschkoetter and Shelia Agee the mother from "Hoop Dreams" who earns her nursing degree are the true role models--and feminists--for ALL girls to emulate. These women struggled against impossible odds, sacrificed for their children, and managed to get an education for themselves.

Our society spends so much time glorifying celebrities and models who have nothing more than good looks and PR agents. THESE are the women we should be celebrating--women who quietly go about the impossible job of daily life without asking any notice for themselves. Their children are lucky to have them. So are the rest of us. Thank you for introducing them to us.

Maureen Lynch
Laurel, MD


I am grateful to all involved. A masterpiece.

george korper
glenelg, md


my husband and I are both products of past failed first marriages, thus we feel tainted and dysfunctional at times. Your documentary allowed us to see inside the home of another couple, and we see now that all is not always a bed of roses, and we are perfectly or unperfectly normal!

Thanks for inspiring us and giving us a new outlook on what marriage should be. We all need good role models, you know.

darrell & carmen keesee'
newton, nc


Mid-way through this series I pulled-out my credit card, picked up the phone, and renewed my annual membership to my local pbs sattion. I thank all parties envolved with this production.

Tony Lisotto
San Francisco, Ca


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