the farmer's wife

anna fermin

Anna Fermin's music from Trigger Gospel appears in programs 2 and 3 of David Sutherland's film, "The Farmer's Wife."

Born in the Philippines 26 years ago, Anna Fermin immigrated to the United States with her family at a young age and found herself growing up in America's dairyland, Kenosha, Wisconsin. Classically trained in piano, voice, and violin, she picked up the acoustic guitar after she moved to Chicago in 1989, penning her first song only four years ago. She started showcasing her songwriting as well as her husky voice at local open mics and coffee houses, finding enthusiastic responses from her audiences as well as other musicians interested in working with her. Now with her new band, Trigger Gospel, featuring Andon Davis on guitar, Rob Novak on bass and Paul Bivans on drum kit and percussion, her music has taken on a distinctive style of its own, and in December '96, this was highlighted in their debut performance as the opening act for Johnny Cash at the House of Blues in Chicago.

Their diverse influences and experiences have become the right complement to her eclectic songwriting. Influences range anywhere from Hank Williams to Jane Siberry, musically drawing upon the subtleties of jazz, the exuberance of flamenco music, and the honky-tonk of country blues. Anna Fermin's Trigger Gospel weaves a familiar yet undeniable tapestry, rich in wisdom and heartache.


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