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Here is a list of films David Sutherland has created or worked on. Some films include links for more information
on the film and critical reaction.
producer | director | writer | editor
- A three year independent
documentary film portrait of an American farm family in crisis. The six and a half hour portrait will air over three nights on FRONTLINE in September 1998.
producer | director | writer | camera | editor
- A 30 minute
documentary film about an historic Cambridge Diner, shot in 1977-79 and completed in 1996.
producer | director | writer
- A 60 minute portrait of high-energy physicist, Melissa
Franklin. It was the lead film in the national PBS series "Discovering Women" which aired March 29, 1995.
producer | director
- A 90 minute 35mm documentary feature about a blind cowgirl. An
independent film made in association with WGBH/Boston and shown as part of the PBS series
"POV" on June 20, 1995.
producer | research | director
- A 60 minute portrait of George Washington that gets behind the myth of the man who didn't tell a lie.
producer | director | camera | editor
- A documentary production
detailing the creation of an International, multi-cultural High School in Ghana, West Africa. 1991
producer | director
- A 30 minute documentary, produced for the National Gallery
of Art, about the mystery surrounding a painting by Titian and Bellini.
PBS airdate: March 21, 1990
producer | director | writer
- A 90 minute PBS special, which originally aired July 26, 1990, that focused on the lives of
five Yale graduates at midlife. 1990
producer | director
- A 60 minute film portrait of a WPA painter which was funded by Munson-Williams-Proctor
Institute, 1987- Television Premiere, PBS: October 2, 1989
producer | director | writer
- A 60 minute 16mm
film portrait of an American painter, 1989.
producer | director | writer | camera | editor
- A 30 minute film portrait.of a WWI Nurse. 1985
producer | director | writer | camera | editor
- A 60 minute 16mm film portrait of a gay WPA painter, which was completed in 1984 and
aired on PBS May 16, 1986.
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