the lost american friends & colleagues

Mark Frohart Mark Frohart

Frohardt was a close friend and colleague of Fred Cuny's, working with him in Sudan, Ethiopia, Northern Iraq and Sarajevo. He recently returned to the U.S. having spent two years in Rwanda. Since fall 1997, he has been an independent consultant in Washington, D.C. working on humanitarian and human rights issues.

Larry Hollingworth Larry Hollingworth

Hollingworth retired from the British Army after 32 years and went to Bosnia to work with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. As a logistics officer he was involved in many of the same issues that Fred Cuny confronted but from the UN side of the fence.

Mark Malloch Brown

Malloch Brown is the Vice President for External Affairs of the World Bank. He first worked with Fred Cuny in the Cambodian refugee camps in Thailand in 1979 and has stayed involved in the issues of humanitarian relief and development.

Keith and Sabina McCambridge Keith and Sabina McCambridge

Keith McCambridge was a captain in the British Army's Royal Engineers and was stationed in Sarajevo from 1992 until 1994. During that time, working for the head of the NATO forces, he came into contact with and quickly became friends with Fred Cuny. At a party at the Intertect House in Sarajevo, he met and fell in love with Sabina Duman, a 22-year-old citizen of Sarajevo. In this excerpt Keith and Sabina describe what it was like to be around Fred in Sarajevo and how he helped Sabina escape the Serbian-controlled city.

Vic Tanner Vic Tanner

Tanner was a consultant with Intertect from 1991-1994 and worked closely with Fred Cuny in Iraq, Somalia and Bosnia. Fred played a mentor role in Vic's professional career. Tanner currently is working for Creative Associates, a Washington-based international development firm.

Roy Williams Roy Williams

He is the vice president of the International Rescue Committee in New York. In that capacity he worked closely with Fred Cuny in Sarajevo, and has long been involved in the humanitarian relief business.

Svetlana Yashina Svetlana Yashina

She is the sister of Galina Oleinik, the young Russian translator who vanished with Fred Cuny and two Russian doctors. Svetlana explains how Fred came to hire her sister for the fateful trip to Chechnya and reconstructs what she can surmise from two notes that her sister wrote while in captivity.

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