the choice 2000
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the diary of the undecided voter: joseph jordan
photo of joseph jordan

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·Voting for Gore (11.7.2000)

·Down the Stretch: Vote Gore, but Not For Sure (10.31.2000)

·After The Final Debate: Leaning Gore. Four More Years Vs. Taking A Chance (10.18.2000)

·After the Second Debate (10.13.00)

·After the First Debate: What Neither Candidate Cared to Mention (10.5.2000)

·Introduction (10.2.00)

Joseph is 30 years old and is a vice president of marketing at an architecture and design firm. He is single.

voting history
Though eligible to vote since 1988, this will be the first election in which he plans to vote.

key concerns
community, diversity, taxes

key concerns
He played football at Cornell University and tried out for the New York Giants.

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"After The Final Debate: Leaning Gore. Four More Years Vs. Taking A Chance"
October 18, 2000

The final debate didn't change my opinion much. It's getting harder to listen to them. Each candidate spends half his time contradicting what the other just said about his plan. I wonder who's lying the most?

It's getting harder to listen to them. Each candidate spends half his time contradicting what the other just said My comparison is coming down to whether I want 4 more years of the way the country has been run, with a few more programs and no real decrease in my taxes vs. taking a chance on a "new" system, less programs, and more state control. I'm tilting on the scale towards Gore.

I wonder if the death of Carnahan makes the whole race moot because the Republicans are now guaranteed control of the Senate. Do most people understand it's going to be a republican controlled country regardless of the election?

If Bush wants my vote, he needs to show me that he understands that not all Americans choose their lots in life and sometimes those that "have" need to contribute to the livelihood of those that don't. I can't tell if Bush doesn't care about that kind of thinking or if he just doesn't understand it.

previous dispatches
·Voting for Gore (11.7.2000)
·Down the Stretch: Vote Gore, but Not For Sure (10.31.2000)
·After The Final Debate: Leaning Gore. Four More Years Vs. Taking A Chance (10.18.2000)
·After the Second Debate (10.13.2000)
·After the First Debate: What Neither Candidate Cared to Mention (10.5.2000)
·Introduction (10.2.2000)

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