The Kevorkian Verdict


In the 1960's Dr. Jack Kevorkian enrolled in an adult education oil painting class in Pontiac, Michigan. He combined his understanding of the human anatomy with his fascination with death and created, as author Michael Betzold describes in his book Appointment with Doctor Death, 18 canvases that "are as bold and strident, as critical and unforgiving, as pointed and dramatic as Kevorkian's own fighting words. They are strikingly well-executed, stark and surreal --and frightening, demented and/or hilarious, depending on one's point of view."

In 1985, Kevorkian stored those eighteen original paintings with the California Freight Company in Long Beach, CA. Then, in September of 1990, he requested that the paintings be shipped to Michigan. However, the company contacted Kevorkian several weeks later to inform him that the paintings, along with other personal valuables, had been accidentally sent to Australia. Those originals have never been returned to Kevorkian.

More recently, in the 90's, Kevorkian has returned to the canvas to promote and fund his crusade to legalize assisted suicide. He has created eight new paintings, six of which have been duplicated into photographic form and are available exclusively for purchase through the Ariana Gallery in Royal Oak, Michigan (Click here to learn more about the gallery and how to purchase the prints.) The original oils are not for sale at this time.

According to the owner of the gallery, Ann Kuffler, Kevorkian "has no further artistic aspirations and he believes it unlikely that he will paint again. He does not enjoy the process and does not consider himself an artist. In fact, he disclaims the paintings as art."

Click on the following six painting titles for a full color look at each and Kevorkian's written descriptions:




Nearer My God to Thee

Very Still Life

For He is Raised

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