The Kevorkian Verdict


The Ariana Gallery in Royal Oak, Michigan is the exclusive distributor of Jack Kevorkian's artwork. To find out more information call or write the gallery: 119 S. Main, Royal Oak, MI 48067 - (248/546-8810).

The Ariana Gallery of Contemporary Arts and Crafts opened in November of 1987. It is run by a professional art consultant and artist Ann E. Kuffler. The gallery is located in the retail business center of Royal Oak, Michigan, an upper middle class suburb of Detroit. Royal Oak is well known for its historic homes, art theatres, fine restaurants, coffee houses, boutiques and a unique selection of quality art galleries.

The Ariana Gallery Statement/Description

"We occupy 3,100 square feet in a historic building that dates back to 1926. The gallery offers artists a vehicle to display their work in an atmosphere of warmth and elegance. A variety of both decorative and functional work ranging in price from $20.00 to $20,000 is on display. Artists from all over the world are showcased here. The gallery participates annually in a Teapot show as well as a Glass show which we look forward to among a variety of ever-changing shows that keep Ariana fresh and distinct. The Ariana Gallery also seeks to expand its philosophy and not be defined by the typical notion of an Arts and Crafts gallery. We presented this philosophy during the opening of our Dr. Kevorkian show which proved a most successful exhibition. In the future, Ariana plans to continue representing and presenting to the public the more unusual and sometimes controversial examples of artists and their work."

FRONTLINE / WGBH Educational Foundation
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