Investigative Reporting WorkshopIn SightThe Center for Public Integrity

Investigating the saga of the WASR-10, an AK-47 knockoff and weapon of choice for Mexico's cartels. A Web-exclusive report.




FRONTLINE/Investigative Reporting Workshop

Rick Young
Young is a FRONTLINE producer who, in 2009, launched a production partnership between FRONTLINE and the Investigative Reporting Workshop at The American University in Washington, D.C.


Steven Dudley
Dudley is the co-director of InSight, an online initiative based in Bogota, Colombia, which monitors, analyzes and investigates organized crime in the Americas. He is the former bureau chief of The Miami Herald in the Andean Region and the author of Walking Ghosts: Murder and Guerrilla Politics in Colombia [Routledge 2004]. Dudley has also reported from Haiti, Brazil, Nicaragua, Cuba and Miami for NPR and The Washington Post, among others.

David Rochkind
Rochkind has spent eight years covering Latin America, first based in Caracas, Venezuela and currently in Mexico City. His photographs have been honored by Photo District News, the National Press Photographer's Association, the Magenta Foundation, the Anthropographia Human Rights and Photography Award and others. Rochkind has also received grants from the International Reporting Project at Johns Hopkins University, the Pulitzer Center in Crisis Reporting and others. He is currently working on a long-term project about the costs and consequences of Mexico's violent drug war.

Investigative Reporting Workshop

William W. Cummings
Cummings is a freelance reporter based in Washington, D.C. He recently completed the master's program in journalism at American University's School of Communication. As a graduate student, he contributed research to Flying Cheap, a documentary on airline safety produced collaboratively by FRONTLINE and the Investigative Reporting Workshop. He also contributed to the follow-up to that investigation, Flying Cheaper.

Cummings has written for USA Today and assisted in the paper's 2010 election coverage.

Margaret Ebrahim
Ebrahim is a senior editor at the Investigative Reporting Workshop, who oversees all video productions, including with FRONTLINE.  Ebrahim is an award-winning producer and reporter who has worked at the CBS News program 60 Minutes II and the ABC News Brian Ross investigative unit.  She also produced documentaries for the HDNet news and documentary program Dan Rather Reports, and she was a reporter on the multimedia investigative unit at the Associated Press.

The Center for Public Integrity

Rick Schmitt
Schmitt is a freelance journalist who has previously covered legal affairs and criminal justice for the Los Angeles Times and The Wall Street Journal.

Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism

Adrian Mogos
Mogos runs the investigative section of Jurnalul National, a leading Romanian newspaper, and has won a number of international investigative reporting awards.

Sorin Ozon
Ozon is one of the founders of the Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism, and has won several awards for his invstigative work.


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Posted February 3, 2011

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